Chapter 17: The dress

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After the doctor we go back to pack. I change into shorts and a t-shirt, one of James's t-shirts. We start at James's parents house, in his room. We only grab things he needs, we leave the furniture. We go and drop everything off at our house before going to my parents home. While we were at James's house, we talked to him about Devin, the doctor. I never got the chance to ask about being able to have children. Tom said it shouldn't change a thing. Although, if I had been pregnant with the attacks the child would have died. I was positive I had not been pregnant so it didn't bother me. We load a car and drive there. We aren't able to apparate with that much, at least not safely. Sirius and Remus were there cleaning so we dropped everything off before leaving again. When we pull into my parents house I see that Vernon was there. I exhale, thinking if it is actually smart to go in. I decide it won't hurt us. I knock on the door and dad answers.

"Lily how great to see you! Ah James how are you?"

"Good sir, nice to see you. I assume you are doing well."

"Well, besides the grape being here I am doing wonderful. Lily you know you don't have to knock."

"Yes I know, just seems right means I don't live here anymore." I say sheepishly, my father just shakes his head. He steps aside letting us in. I walk into the kitchen where my mother is talking to Petunia and Vernon. I walk over and give her a hug before walking up to my room to pack. We get my room done quickly trying to leave as soon as possible. As I pack clothes in my dresser Petunia walks in.

"Hello James. Lily could I speak to you for a moment, in the hall."

"I don't see why not." I stand up and follow her out.

"I was about to leave, Vermon asked me to join him in living in Surry. I will be by to visit every once in awhile, but not often enough to see you. I just wanted you to know I might not be able to make it to your wedding." Petunia looks down at her shoes as her eyes fill up with tears. I force myself to look away for fear of crying too.

"That's alright if you can't, I understand." I pull her into a hug. "But please, tell me if that grape ever hurts you. Promise you will." I let my tears fall, but I can feel Petunia shake in our hug.

"I will, but same goes for you," I pull away.

"No need to worry about him. Have a great life Tuney."I turn away and go back to packing. As soon as I walk in James embraces me in a hug. I cry in the crook of his neck. After a minute or two we get back to work, with me sniffling every now and then. When were about to leave my mum stops me.

"So, me and Rose decided we're going to get your dress with you tomorrow." She says so calmly, as she did when I was a child.

"I have a lot to do with the house mum..."

"Oh yes that, well we thought that you would want Remus to come along with us, so he is. James, Harry, Tom, and Sirius, maybe Peter, will be getting the house done while we are out."

"Mum they can't do it on their own. I will end up with a red house with Gryffindor all over the place."

"Hey" James says defensively, I look over at him, as if telling him to get real, he only looks away.

"Well, we also did a bit of shopping for that while you were down. The house will look very nice, you just wait."

"Oh alright. We really must be leaving if we want to get to go to the house and your parents. By mum, bye dad love you."

"Bye Lily safe travels." Dad says, his eyes twinkling.

"And be ready for tomorrow."

"Okay mum." We go get in the car and leave. James drives while I sit in the passenger seat next to him.

"Hey, Lily, do I need to worry about you and other guys, at all?"

"No James, I don't think I could ever do something so horrible. I only love you, besides my father and the guys, you are the only man I love. With the guys it's brotherly love, or even friendship love with Peter. I could only love and be with you." I reassure James, he looks relieved. We continue to drive in silence. I think of how often my kindness has been taken for granted. I push the thought out of my mind. We go through the night as planned. When I wake up the next morning for breakfast my mum and dad came over for breakfast. When I go up to get dressed Rose follows me.

"Lily, I got you this dress I hoped you might wear." She says pulling it out of the closet. It is a navy blue dress with white stripes on the top.I see shoes at the bottom, wedges. I smile, Rose is truly one of the kindest people I know.

"Thank you." I say giving her a hug. Rose nods before leaving. I walk over and put the dress on. It goes to my thighs, it is a bit shorter that I expected it to be. I grab the shoes and walk down stairs. Mum, Rose, and Remus are by the door ready to go. Remus seems a bit uncomfortable, I walk over to him

"You don't have to come of you don't want to..."

"Wait, I'm coming along." We all turn to Sirius putting his shirt on, and then trying to get shoes on.

"You want to come?" Remus asks, clearly shocked yet at the same time amused.

"Of course. I'm not missing our Lily trying on dresses. Have fun Mr Evans, Tom and James with the house." We all walk out and pile into the car. I sit in the middle seat with Remus and Sirius goofing off. Soon I join in and it becomes a backseat battle. We get to the dress store and get scolded to act our age here. When We start looking everyone starts looking at dresses and brings them in a room for me. I barely get to look at any myself, but one catched my eye. It long dress, with the holes for my shoulders, and the neckline is open, but just barely.

"It's beautiful." I Jump to see Remus standing next to me, also looking at this dress. "I think it would look so pretty on you."

"Thank you, I suppose I'll try it." I grab it and put it will all the other dresses. I go and try them all on. Rose choose a princess dress with sparkles all over it. Sirius choose a mermaid style dress that in puffy at the bottom. My mum chose a very modest dress with lots of lace. I save the dress me and Remus choose for the last one. When everyone is done handing me all of these dresses I go and try them on. None of them seem to be my dress. I was beginning to think we would never find the right one, when I was walking back. When I get there I put mine and Remus's choice on. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. It was so pretty and looked nice on me I fell in love with it. I walk out with it, feeling like a bride. Mum and Rose aren't sure about it at first, but Sirius, Remus, and I all love it.

"Can we please have a bit of lace and sparkle?" Mum says, Rose nodding.

"In the veil we can, but this is my dress. I love it." I say, not letting myself cry about it at all. So we end up getting that one, Rose and Mum splitting the cost besides me telling them not too. We leave and go straight to our house. When I walk in I was completely surprised to see it was a light yellow color, with red decorations. It was a very modest decorations. In one room it was all red and had gryffindor everything.

"This is out room." Sirius says. "If you love us enough to give us ot." I roll my eyes and we walk through the rest. I was fully surprised. Everything was done, and we were all starving.

"Let's go get food. Before we all starve to death." SIrius said, we all roll our eyes at him. Sirius is truly a dramma queen lately. When me and James get back we fall right to sleep.

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