Chapter 13: Dinner, and announcements

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The potters show me their house, it is really quite large. James has a large room with red gryffindor and quidditch posters. The walls were a cream color with a red stripe going through the middle. James and Sirius put the bags by the bed before we continue walking around the house. We end at the kitchen where Rose walked out with some food on the table for us. We all sat down to eat. James is on the side of my burnt arm and he is being careful. James's father is on my other side, he is such a kind man. Rose keeps giving me sympathetic looks, every time I smile, hoping she will stop soon, She doesn't though.

"Mum," Sirius says, "What time will dinner be? We wanna show them the new house." I giggle at Sirius calling Rose mum. She however is unfazed by this.

"Around five. Would you please be back by four."

"Sure thing." Remus responds with. We all finish eating before leaving. We load back into the car and are on our way to this new house. The ride is about half an hour from James's parents. From my mum and dad's it is closer to forty five minutes. The house is a brown, with black lines going up and down the house. The outside was beautiful.

"Like it Lil'?" James asks, there is a twinkle in his eye.

"I love it! No house compares."

"Let's go in already then." Sirius says, smirking. Sirius walks into the house with us following. The inside has light yellow walls, almost cream, and gray carpet. Remus walks over and stands at a staircase. Sirius gives a tour, clearly have been coming a lot. When he gets to the staircase Remus takes over and shows us upstairs. There are 4 bedrooms, along with 3 bathrooms. On room is downstairs, along with a bathroom. The rest are upstairs. One room and bathroom is larger than the rest, obviously mine and James's room. I fell in love with this house, and James did as well. By the time we are done talking and walking through the house it is already three thirty.

"We need to get going, we're going to be late for dinner." I say nervously.

"Don't worry Lil, she will understand. We should go now though," James says, calming me down a bit.

"Alright, but Sirius or I are driving so we get there on time." Both James and Remus give each other looks.

"Alright then, why don't you drive Lil..." Sirius can't finish his thought before he is cut off.

"NO!" James and Remus yell. I look over at them, my mouth open.

"Alright then, I will drive." I say defiantly. They both give Sirius a look. I grab the keys from James, and go get the car fit for me. We get back to the Potters with twenty five minutes to spare. Sirius sat in the front with me, at first not wearing his seat belt, then putting it on in a hurry. Remus and James were in the backseat holding on too tight their knuckles turned white.

"Lily, please never drive again." I turn and glare at them. We all walk back into the house, while going and cleaning up for dinner. I go up and shower, before I put a summer dress on. It is a yellow dress with white flowers. I unwrap my arm to see how it is looking, and somehow it was worse than before. There are blisters and the marks are red all over.I walk out of the bathroom to see Thomas walking up the stairs. He looks at my arm and then me. I put makeup on to cover my bruises. You can hardly tell there were any, but I've never wore so much makeup.

"Lily, you should keep that covered. Here let me help you." Before I can protest he has conjured up some wrap. As he puts it on my arm there is pain at his slight touch. Just as Thomas is wrapping the most sensitive part of my arm james comes up behind me, making me jump. Bumping my arm away from Thomas and hitting the wall on accident. I cry out in pain and pull my arm toward me while sitting on the ground.

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