Chapter 14: First fight at work

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We all do as James said. I pull out a skirt and a sweater and go to change in James's bathroom. I put makeup on covering my bruises, with the guys coming in and out to get ready themselfs. When I walk out I put a pair of ballet flats on and then we all Join hands to leave. James was about to grab my hand when Sirius took it, and Remus had my other one. James glared at Sirius who was smirking, Remus was as well. I giggled a bit before Remus apparated us out. We end up at the ministry. We look around to see banners all over. I bend down to pick up a paper that says Voldemort and death eaters have struck a small town by Surry. I think about Petunia, hoping she is okay. I feel a hand on my back, I turn to see a man with black greasy hair leading me off to a room. I look back to see James looking for me.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"A shame you can't already guess." That voice, it belongs to Severus. His hair has grown longer, I look at his eyes, they are colder than ever before. He has long black cloaks on, but no death eater mask. I step away in a hurry, to see James, Sirius, and Remus following me, trying not to be suspicious.

"What do you want with me?" I say annoyed. I let my eyes become cold, not showing any

"To take you away of the horror that is James Potter and his friends..."

"They have treated me better than you ever could have."

"That is surely proved by that bruise of your face, and how one arm seems injured."

"That was... Petunia. James protected me from her. They have all treated me like family, something you never did."

"Lies. I had treated you like my family one time or another. And that Potter couldn't protect anyone if it was a life or death battle"

"James has protected me a million times more than you could. No, you never even treated me... "

"Sectumsempra," Severus aims the spell at my injured arm. Before I can move or react the spell hits my arm. Blood escapes my arm, and I fall to the ground in pain.

"Snivellus!" James calls, I'm losing so much blood I can barely stay conscious. My wrapp that was on my arm has fallen off. My arm has boils from the burn, but the cuts are long and deep on my arm. The blood is flowing onto my sweater, and drips on my shirt. Many people stop to watch us. Remus appears at my side. A few people come running forward, one man has a wooden leg and scares all over his face. I've heard of him before, Alastor Moody. The best arror there is as of now. James and Sirius are out numbering Severus. Suddenly, three other death eaters appear, all wearing masks. Remus Moves me to a wall and stands up to help fight. Moody has come over to help, other wizards have run away in fear. A man with red hair runs over to me.

"Are you alright?" I shake my head and point to my arm.

"It's burned... and now, this." I gasp through breaths of pain. He mumbles a spell and the wombs close. While he does this James starts fighting Snape, with no restrictions. He dodges so many curses, but casts just as many. By the time this man is done fixing my arm I stand up to fight. Two more death eaters have shown up, me and this man take them.

"Stupefy!" I hit the death eaters mask to see a man, older than me. He has blond hair, Sirius sees him and gasps, but keeps fighting.

"Goodness me, doesn't seem you can actually cast a real spell, not one that can hurt someone at least."

"Do you really want to test that theory?

"Why yes, would be cute to see how badly I can hurt you, but I would only do more damage."

"Petrificus Totalus!"


"Locomotor mortis!" We had been blocking all spells, I took a breath. I glance over at James, he is still fighting Severus. Severus is breathing heavily, James doesn't know I'm fighting, then suddenly...

"Immobulus!" He hit me, I can't move. My thoughts scatter. "Crucio!" He hits me again. I feel pain all over my body, worse than when Severus casted this spell on me. I think to James. I try to cry out in pain but can't. This seems to happen for what seems like forever, till it stops. I fall to the ground. When I look up I see Sirius standing over him, having dropped a brick over his head. The death eater was knocked out. I look around too see the red haired man hurry over to me, along with Remus. Severus looks around to see his fellow death eaters, either gone or knocked out. The death eater fighting Alastor Moody looks at Severus and they both nod. Severus makes a break for the death eater. James spins around to see me collapsed on the ground with Sirius and Remus over me, with the red haired man standing next to me. Once Severus gets to him I call out.

"Severus... you don't have to end up like this. You can get away..." Before I finish my sentence I get cut off my a spell.

"Sectumsempra!" It hits my stomach, along with my burned arm. The pain hurt so much, i only cough a bit. Severus disapparated with the death eater, along with the one Alastor moody was fighting. James was at my side, his face was cut, it would leave a faint scar. Everyone else had cuts and bruises, but nothing serious.

"Arthur, can you help her?" Moody asks, he seems concerned as well.

"I can try, but this is very serious." The man with red hair bends down to help me. He rips my sweater off, exposing my stomach. He closes some of the cuts, but none of the pain stops. James is holding my hand, with tears running down his face. Sirius and Remus look as if they are trying to hold their tears. I turn my head to James and smile.

"Don't worry so much about me. I'll be fine you know." I say through pain, and the ghost of the pain that was their with the crucio curse.

"Have you seen yourself Lily? You are clearly not okay right now!" James cries a bit harder, with Sirius and Remus letting a few tears fall. Moody steps aside and takes his wand out and sends a patronus something somewhere. Something I have never seen before. Not even one minute later James father appears, his mother not far behind. Tom comes running to me, and takes the place of Arthur.

"Merlins beard! I have never seen something so bad! Lily what did you do, take a cutting curse straight on?" Tom says, clearly scared. I nod my head.

"Along with the crucio curse..."

"Lily! We need to get you to St Mungo's right away!"

"She is in no shape to move, not without a few of those cuts to be healed." Moody says, stepping closer to Tom.

"I can only close this one," Tom points to the large one across my stomach. He closes it half way, and has James pick me up. WHen he does I feel such pain my vision starts to go black. I hold on to the bit of light I see, James's eyes. I smile at him, knowing how close I am to death. To think that maybe the last time I got to see my parents was this morning, or even this being the last time I see James. I feel my eyes start to fall. I do everything I can to stay conscious, that fight was harder than anything I have ever faced. As my eyes fall I hear James whisper in my ear.

"I love you James." I let my own tears fall, if this is the end, then I'm going to spend it with James. He has always loved me, and I will always love him.

"Please stay with me." I feel his tears fall on my face. He pulls my body closer to him. I then fall into a deep sleep. 

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