Chapter 16: The New Doctor

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All the while I was healing James barely let me move, let alone get out of bed. I haven't seen my scars, but I know they are very bad. There is one thing that really scares me to think about, does this hinder my ability to have children? I want a child, and I know James wants one too. I know we're still young, 17, but already getting married. Maybe we wouldn't be crazy to have children sooner. Science I have been down this has given me and James to talk about our wedding. We think the sooner the better. It will be short notice for some people, but we having it July 30th. That way all of the order can come. James is set on having Mcgonagall come, I want Slughorn to be there as well. We are inviting most of our teachers, except the crazy ones or ones we don't know. James is finding most of the people to invite. I gave him a short list of people I would like to be there. The red haired man, Arthur Weasley, came to visit multiple times, once he even brought some of his children and wife. This man already has five children. His wife is a short kind woman, her name is Molly Weasley. The children are Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George. Fred and George are twins, and still very young, only infants. Molly let me hold them for a time. Me and James talked and decided they have to come to our wedding.

"Lil, you need to get ready for the doctor. It's been a week." James says grabbing me clothes. I moan and then stand up. I go to the bathroom so I can freshen up a bit before I have to leave. My hair was in a ponytail, but has still ratted. My eyes were red and face tired looking. I pull my hair out of the ponytail and start brushing it. I took me a few minutes, but My hair was soon flattened to be very nice. I wash my face and wake myself up a bit. I put on mascara then leave to get dressed. James laid my clothes on the bed. I take my pajamas off. I catch my reflection in the mirror. The scars on my arm were already fading, but my stomach was very different. It was still an angry red color, the scars Arthur healed were fading, but there was a large ugly one in the middle. I sigh thinking about what Severus would do if he saw what he has done. I keep looking at my reflection, thinking about what James thinks of how badly I look. My once toned stomach is now all mangled. I never had too much pride in my looks, until now. I was so self conscious that anyone who saw me would just want to run away. I let a few tears out. I close my eyes, then feel arms around me. When I open my eyes again James is holding me. He feels so safe it makes me cry.

"How can you even still be with me, with how ugly I look right now?"

"I've never loved you for your body or face." He says quietly, "I loved you for you. You could look as ugly as a toad, but I would never leave you. You are the prettiest person I have ever seen, or will ever. So you have a few scars, so do I..."

"James, you are flawless. Everything about you is amazing." James sighs and lifts his shirt, revealing his abs, when he turns around I see a huge scar on his back. I was shocked I never noticed it before.

"James, what happened? How have I never noticed this before?"

"Well, when Sirius was visiting we decided to play quidditch, and that's when I fell and got this scar. You never noticed because I hid it from everyone. I was afraid you would leave me for it, just like you are thinking now."

"James I would never..."

"You see how ridiculous it sounds. Now, let's get you dressed and we can leave.I heard they were going to have you see a different doctor today. I hope you liked the dress I grabbed."

"It's perfect, thank you." I said, James turns to leave while I put it on. I was smiling like an idiot. How could I think James would hate me for this. When I'm all dressed I grab sandals and walk downstairs to put them on. James was sitting on the couch with Tom.

"Lily," Tom says, clearly wanting to be right. "I want james to wear a gray suit for the wedding, he wants a black one. What do you think?"

"Well, I really shouldn't be the one to choose what color his suit is. Personally I like the black ones."James smirks at his father, Tom folds his arm like a little kid. I giggle at their respons. I sit on the couch to put my shoes. As I lean over I feel a stabbing pain, the same kind as when the crucio curse was used. I freeze in the position I was in. The memory of the curse goes through my mind. I start to breath heavily, blocking everything out. I barely see James hurry in front of me, trying to talk me out of my daze. I feel the pain go through my body again and again. James starts to shake me. After a few minutes I come back to everything.

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