Sick, Sad Birthday

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I stood there, staring at him. Tightening the grasp on my broken work tool. What was there to say? I fancied an asshole. This wasn't how I had planned it. His eyes scanned my face for answers. For anything really. Probably wondering if I would respond or not. My eyes reverted to my feet and without any thought about the words just spilled.

"I.. fancy you too." I felt his arms around me, his hard chest pressed against my face.
His lips rested on my neck. "Let's start over, please."
All I could do was nod. A few hours ago I was pissed off, close to hating him. Now I was enjoying his touch. Maybe , just maybe, Seb was right.

I had woken up in 'my' own bed. Max hadn't complained about it. My eyes scanned the room as I was packing to leave for tomorrow. It was weird, from being enemies to 'lovers'. This thought had kept me up all night as well. Had Max been honest though? Did he really fancy me?

"My phone vibrated against my leg.
"With Jaden."
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Seb yelled. I could hear Daniel laugh behind him. "We love you, have a good one."
"Thanks, sexies." I chuckled before they hung up.

If I didn't know better, they could still be partying. But the time was 10am-ish. So it was very unlikely that they would have.

"Good morning." His voice reached my ears. "Who were you talking to?"
"Sebastian called to wish me a happy birthday." I grabbed a shirt and threw it over the chair in the corner.
"Your birthday today, why didn't you tell me?" He hugged me from behind.
"Cause you were a dick yesterday and I wanted a lazy day."
"We could go out for dinner." He kissed my neck.
"Nope, you need a healthy diet until the end of the season." I turned around in his arms. "So I'll cook something simple." I kissed him softly. "I am going to keep packing and ask Chris to figure some stuff out for me."
"Like what?" He let go of me, probably expecting me to quit.
"New camera for one, Max." I stated and made my way down. "And a day off each week."
"I can buy you a camera."
"Then I'll let him send the bill to you." I grabbed an apple.
"Why you need a day off every week?" He crosses his arms.
"Cause I can't film you and edit at the same time." I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Plus I need a second camera."

I took a bite out of the apple, he took my hand and dragged me away from the kitchen. He pushed me on to the couch before hovering over me as I swallowed the chewed piece of apple.

"I won't, don't worry." He pressed his lips against my cheek. "I did enjoy what I saw."
"I knew." I chuckled. "Should've told me."

He bit my lip and pressed himself into me.

"Shit." He got off of me quickly. "Hey dad." He replied as I slowly sat up.
"Hey, when you have to go?" His father, Jos, questioned. "Who's she?"
"This is Jaden, my vlogger." Just his vlogger. Stay calm, we haven't said we were bf and gf, nothing official. "It's her birthday and her gift is a lazy day."

Max looked apologetically at me, probably for him not saying we were a thing and for how his father named me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I stood up, held out my hand for him to shake.
"Yeah, well eleventh at Spa isn't that great mate, not bad but definitely not great." He left me standing there.
"I'll be upstairs, can you do groceries before 5."
"Yes dearest." Max quickly winked at me.

I ran up the stairs, so much for a lazy day. It wasn't that it had to be official but he could've told his dad that we were at somewhat in the seeing each other fase. Or weren't we in that fase? Oh fuck this was already confusing and we didn't even had the forced talk a day ago.
The two kept chatting and around three they went out. Just to come back 30 minutes later. I had packed Max his suitcase.

I ended up cooking for his father as well. This birthday sucked more than any other birthday I had. Jos kept talking to Max, as Max just stared at him.

"Had a good birthday?" Max finally talked to me.
I cocked an eyebrow. "Yes, it's been amazing." Sarcasm dripping off ever word.
"What time are you leaving?" Jos continued.
"We leave at 10AM." I answered trying not to sound to annoyed.
"How's Mikaela?" Max facial features hardened.
"We broke up." His tone hard, making me uncomfortable as fuck.
"I didn't know that."
"That's cause all you want to talk about is racing." Max his tone didn't change.

I kept my lips pressed against each other. They kept arguing, back and forth.

"You guys done?" I snorted before standing up. "Jos, since you don't have to catch a plane tomorrow morning. I think you should leave so we can sleep. Max, this has been the worst birthday, ever."

I grabbed the plates and threw them in the sink. They kept quiet, as I made my way back upstairs.

"Hey mom." I had called her.
"Hey birthday girl." I could hear her smile into the phone. "How was your day?"
"It was fine." I lied. "How are you and dad?"
"We're good, missing you though."
"I'll be all yours after the F1 Gala." I played with my pillow.
"For how long?"
"I got a few weeks off so if nothing changes a week or three." I smiled in the phone.
"Yes!" She yelled excited.
"Gotta go sleep now, got a plane to catch in 12 hours."
"Okay, I love you."
"Love you too mom."

Wished I was home to celebrate it with you..

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