Just A Little Lie

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"So his family came over?" Dan looked at me as I laid on his floor.
"Yeah, his dad and stepmother, with their daughter." Seb and Lewis sat on the couch listening to our conversation. "His dad didn't acknowledged me last time he came over."
"That was on your birthday, right?" Seb turned is head.
"Yeah, worst birthday ever." I muttered.
"You going out?" Lewis questioned.
"No, should head back soon." I sat up. "Max his sister is a baby."
"Oh Blue Jaye?" Dan smiled at me. "She's cute."
"Dude, I don't care about the baby. It's his dad." I rolled my eyes.
"You'll figure it out." Dan helped me up. "Call me when you need out."
"Always will." I kissed him on the cheek before saying my goodbyes.

I saw them sitting on the couch as soon as I had opened the door.

"Evening." I wave into the living room. Knowing that they would just wave. Walking towards the kitchen table. I opened my laptop and logged in before making myself some coffee.

"Does anyone, need something from the kitchen?" No response.

I sat myself in the chair and continued my editing. Earbuds in, eyes focusing on every video. Cutting, pasting, listening to his voice, over and over. As I saw the time change to 11:32pm and stopped. Saving the file before turning the laptop off.
Lights were already out, Max had placed pillows on the couch and some blankets. He already laid there. I got changed in the kitchen before making my way to the couch.
"I will have to hold you." He mumbled. "I thought it was bigger."
"Are they staying here for the rest of the week?" I sat on the couch. "I could stay at Dan's or Sebastian's."
"Look I don't want to put them in a hotel and I don't want you to sleep anywhere else." He pressed himself more against the back of the couch.
"I can't do this." I whispered softly. "It's going to take its toll on me."
"We'll figure something out, I promise." He drew circles on my back. "I need this, us."
"Don't say that." I laid next to him. "You can't say that."
"Jaden, I mean it." He rested his hand on my waist.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Jaden, please." He wouldn't stop trying.
"Max, I don't want to yell and I don't want to cry." A sigh escaped my mouth. "I can't forgive you, I don't trust you and I could forgive you when I am over it but the trust I don't know."

I closed my eyes and in the long silence I fell asleep.
The sound was well heard, a crying toddler. I sat up and found Kelly, max's stepmother, walking around with Blue.

"I'm sorry." Her voice reached my ears.
"It's okay." I got up. "Did she drank already?"
"Yes." She nodded.
"Can I hold her?" She quickly gave her to me. "You go sleep."
"Thank you so much." She kissed my cheek before getting back in the bedroom.

I rubbed the back of the little girl while dancing through the room. She burped and not long after I heard her snore softly. Max sat up, I didn't know he was up.

"It suits you." He looked at me.
"Not anytime soon." I sat on the couch, the kid on my chest. Max placed a blanket on the both of us. "She's cute."
"You shouldn't have taken it upon yourself." He rubbed my leg. "It's not your responsibility."
"I don't mind, you should sleep." I watched the clock. "You need to run in about two hours."
"You lay down and keep her on your chest." He patted his leg.

I laid my head on his lap and rubbed Blue Jaye's back.
"I'll skip tomorrow's run."

Blue Jaye's crying woke me up again. I sat up and laid her on the couch. Grabbing her diapers and wet towels from the coffee table. I hummed as I cleaned her bum. Max groaned as I finished doing so.

"Can you hold her?" I looked at him. "I'm going to get her a bottle."

He groaned once more as I gave her to him. Boiled some water, made coffee and grabbed her formula. It didn't take long, now I had to wait till it cooled down. I set the table for the three. Max stared at me.

"Why just set three plates?"
"I don't need to join your family time."
"You are family."
"I am F1 family." I smiled as I had finally cooled down the water. When I was feeding Blue Jaye , Jos walked on the room.

"Morning." His voice tired but stern.
"Morning." I mumbled as he looked at his daughter.
"She seems to like you."
"She's adorable." I smiled lightly. "Got a good set of lungs."
"She woke you up?"
"Yeah, told Kelly to give her to me." I placed the little girl on the floor. "So she could get some rest. Anyway, I'm going to shower. Table is all set."
"Jade, you can eat with." Max held my hand.
"Got a breakfast date at Dan's." I lied as I pulled my hand back.

I had called, Dan, Seb and Lewis. They didn't pick up, Hulk did but told me off. I ended at the iceman.
"There's coffee and some croissants." He muttered, so not a morning person.
"Thanks, cranky." I kissed his cheek. "I'll be out of your hair in no time."
"You and him should sort it out."
"His family is here, staying with him." I grabbed a mug, before pouring coffee in it. "First time I met Jos, it didn't go to well."
"Seb had told me." He kissed my nose. "Now drink your coffee and eat something. "

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