Which One?

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"The one you don't want to share." He folded his arms, the distance made me cringe.
"I'm afraid of what the future holds." I focused on the table. "I got the feeling that I annoyed you."
"You didn't annoy me, so don't be afraid." He grabbed my hand. "What you said, in the interview, made me think. You are right about my mom being more talented."
"But I-"
"Jade, babe. I asked what was on your mind. Knowing you would give me your opinion." He squeezed my hand. "You shouldn't worry about the future."

I nodded but didn't look up.

"Babe, sweets, Sexiest, schatje." Max had to throw in a Dutch word.
"Don't." I could feel my cheeks turn red.
"Making you weak, lieverd?" Again with the Dutch.

I pulled my hand away and looked at him, smirking. He cocked an eyebrow before I got up and settled myself on his lap.

Last night was something different, he let me be dominant. Let's say we need a new chair and dinning table.

The a flight was alright, it was enough to edit yesterdays video. Max just stared at me, filming. Giving me a part in his vlog, which I didn't want.

"Look how pretty she is, in her uniform. Her face though." Max chuckled as I pouted.
"Christian, Max is bullying me."
"Max, stop filming your future wife."
"Wasn't planning on asking her just yet." Max chuckled as I showed the camera a sour face.
"Wouldn't say yes,  anyway."
"Burn." Christian gave me my laptop back since he was looking at the new video. "This all?"
"Well I'm still filming and editing upcoming videos for this week, as always." I grabbed a pen before grabbing a piece of paper. "Chrissie?"
"Yes James?"
"Max and I want to buy a house, since you've got more spare time and more experience...-"
"You want me to check houses?"
"In Monaco, thank you." I got up and grabbed Max his hand, pulling him with me.
"Run Max, Run." I laughed as the two of us ran out of his office.

I knew I had to come back later that day. I forgot my laptop but it was funny at the time. Max and I just went from factory to factory. Filming whatever could be used. He had to do a 1.92sec challenge with Dan later that day. So I would have time to pick up my laptop and talk about houses, in a professional way. Knowing Christian, he would be scrolling through houses in between meetings and during the lunch break.

"So what are you two looking for?" Christian looked at me as I say next to him.
"Just a bigger place." My eyes on the screen. "4 or 5 bedrooms."
"Why that big, you are hardly home anyway?" Christian typed away on the keyboard.
"Well, Max and I had to sleep in the living room when his dads family came round." I muttered as he patted my leg.
"I see." He chuckled. "I'll check it out and let you know."
"Thanks Chris, I owe you my first born." I kissed his cheek.
"If it's a racer, I want it." He laughed making me roll my eyes with a smile.

The day went by as slow as usual, routine got the best of us. During Max his break he started filming me. Not long after he started, my princess walked in.

"You guys suck!" He huffed as he settled himself next to me.
"Guess Horner told you?" I cocked an eyebrow.
"No, I guessed! Of course he told me, you moron." He folded his arms and glared at me.
"You do know that you can come over, right?" I scratched the back of my neck. "Daniella, you can even snuggle up between Max and myself."
"If he was a girl." Max snorted.
"Hell no." I turned to him. "If you want a threesome it'll be with another lad."
"Let's just keep it like this." He motioned with his index finger between us.
"Great and Daniel can snuggle up." I showed him my tongue before turning my attention to the Australian. "You'll still see me every day, okay?"
"Okay, jerk." He mumbled.
"I heard that."
"Imma call Deb on your ass."
"I love you."

"What's on your mind?" Max poked my cheek as we drove to his apartment.

I stared at him, had been staring at him for a couple of minutes. Just taking in his face, no real thoughts just the fact that I wanted to tell him that I loved him.

"Just that I love you." I ripped my eyes off his face.
"I love you too."

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