1. First Impressions

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The club is jumping and Bruno and his band are having a great time in the VIP section drinking champagne, letting loose, laughing, joking and razzing on each other and although he's having a good time, Bruno can't take his eyes off the petite curvy dark haired beauty with light caramel skin standing at the other end of the VIP section where 6 girls are sitting together and Bruno would put money on the girl with long blonde hair being the head girl of that group of girls going by the way the other girls seem to be fawning over her and Bruno has no idea who she is, nobody famous that he recognises, but it's not her he's interested in, he wants to know who the beauty standing is.

Cat is bored and annoyed with Tina who's a spoiled little rich girl and her cronies and she's regretting standing in for Tommy who'd told her that it won't be too bad and that Tina likes to party and is bossy but it's only for 3 days, Cat c'mon do me a solid so I can take my wife away for the weekend, but he'd failed to mention that Tina is a snob and obnoxious and she will make Tommy pay for not telling her exactly what she'd have to put up with but 1 more day and she was done with Tina was all Cat could think about.

On the way back to the VIP section from escorting her to the bathroom a guy grabs Tina, great Cat thinks and she pulls Tina away from the guy and tells him to back off and he looks angry and he tells her, fuck you bitch and he tries to grab Tina again and Cat thinks fuck it and she grabs his right hand and twists it hard and kicks the back of his legs putting him on the floor to Tina's delight who actually squeals and starts giggling and tells her to do it again likes she some kind of performing monkey, it pisses her off, she doesn't trust herself not to tell Tina what she thinks of her right now so Cat says nothing and shakes her head no and 2 of the clubs bouncers come over and they help the guy up off the floor and escort the moron out the club and Cat takes Tina back to her friends.

Bruno had seen what was happening and had been out his seat wanting to go help the woman who's captured his attention from the moment he saw her in the club tonight when he saw how she handled that joker that had grabbed the girl with the long blonde hair she was with, but Bruno doesn't understand how a woman that's a couple of inches shorter than him could take down such a big guy so quick and easily and Bruno tells Ryan who's standing beside him who is 1 of his best friends and personal assistant to go talk to the bouncers and find out who she is and he points her out to Ryan where she's back to standing at the other end of the VIP section and Ryan looks at him like he's nuts and he sighs and tells him, you're a trip bro and he goes to talk to the bouncers.

Ryan comes back a few minutes later and tells him that all the bouncers know about the girl he's interested in is that her name is Cat and she's a bodyguard which shocks Bruno and has him feeling even more intrigued about her, he wants to know more about her, he wants to meet her so fucking bad.

2 days later

Cat has an interview with a new client only known to her as MR M and all she knows from Tommy who had set this interview up was that the guy is famous and his personal assistant had contacted him wanting to hire her and Tommy had told her he knew nothing else and here she is at Turner & Turnbull a lawyers office to meet this famous guy.

Bruno feels excited, he's not been able to sleep much for 2 fucking days and at last he's going to meet her, Cat... he's wondered what she was like, what's her favourite colour, film, tv show, food and drink and he hasn't been able to stop wondering and imagining what she looks like naked and what her lips tasted like, he wants to know her, know everything about her and hiring her as 1 of his bodyguards could do that and he'll work on the rest.

Cat is told by the receptionist that she can go in now to see Mr Turner and when she steps into the office she sees a man in his 40's with light brown hair, wearing glasses in a grey suit who is obviously the lawyer sitting behind the desk and another guy, she can see the back of his head, he's wearing a black baseball cap and he turns around and Cat's shocked because it's none other than Bruno fucking Mars!

Bruno saw when he had turned around that Cat was shocked to see him and she obviously recognised him, she looks even more beautiful than he remembered and he smiles and says hello to her and Mr Turner invites her to take the seat next to Bruno which she does and she says hello to him and his lawyer.

He can't stop looking at her and his lawyer tells him, Mr Mars this is Miss Catherine Blake and Bruno holds his right hand out for her to shake. he wants, needs to touch her in any damn way he can right now and Cat shakes his hand and it's like an electric shock going through him and they stare at each other and Cat pulls her hand away from his looking surprised and wary and all Bruno can think is, wow, he's never felt anything like that before.

They both seem to realise at the same time that the lawyer is talking and Bruno interrupts him and tells him, i'd like to take it from here and he says Miss Blake and she tells him to call her Cat and Bruno smiles and tells her, ok Cat, I want you... um I mean... I would like you to be my bodyguard, fuck is all Bruno can think, that was not cool play it the fuck cool B and he tells Cat, i've had you checked out which has her raising her eyebrow at him and he tells her, i've seen your references and i'd like to employ you, I understand you're between clients right now.

She knows she needs to pull herself together as all Cat can think about is that Bruno Mars wants her... as his bodyguard of course but she hadn't expected this and although he's not the first celebrity she's met or been a bodyguard for, she's never felt anything like she did when she shook his hand.

Bruno is feeling impatient and nervous waiting for Cat to say something, anything and she tells him that she'll do a trial period of 4 weeks and to remember that she's a bodyguard, not a waitress or a servant and he grins, Bruno really really likes her, damn Cat's feisty, he likes that and he smiles at her and agrees and he asks his lawyer for the contract which also includes a non disclosure privacy agreement which he tells Cat about and he also tells her that she's not to tell anyone or post on any social media platform about where he goes, what he does, nothing about his personal life or photos of him or his family and friends.

She isn't surprised by what Bruno is asking of her and Cat reads over the contract and sees that everything is as Bruno had told her and she tells him, you have a right to privacy and I respect that and she signs the contract then Bruno and the lawyer sign it and Bruno tells her that he wants her to start immediately which surprises her but she agrees and Cat tries to ignore the feeling that this may be a bad idea.

*hey guys this is first fanfic i've ever written I started it a couple of years ago and have edited it to this year and finally posting it I hope you like it :)

i'm not sure where it's going or how long it's gonna go on for but with my love for Bruno who is my...inspiration, muse and fantasy it could go on forever lol i'm going to do my best to add chapters at least once a week :)

appreciate any comments and feedback :) enjoy!

you can holler at me on twitter @1stladyHooligan xxx

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