21. Showdown Part 2

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She's thinking how to distract ''yours truly'' and get closer to her when she tells Cat to go stand beside Bruno she does slowly so not to spook her since she is now able to point the gun at both of them.

Why did you have to come in here?! she shouts at Cat.

What does she have that I don't! she shouts at Bruno.

Cat takes a side step forward in front of Bruno and stops when ''yours truly'' tells her if she takes another step she'll shoot her.

She forces a laugh and says girl you are tripping we are not together he pays me like he's paid other women before me to be his girlfriend in public because he's gay and not ready to come out, man his bedroom has a revolving door of men coming and going, every night a different guy, he's a man whore.

He's shocked part of him wants to laugh at what Cat has said but he's too scared to especially with Cat now standing partially in front of him and keeps quiet and wonders what his woman is up to and where she is going with this.

NO! you are a lying bitch!

He's not gay! he can't be.

He's meant to be with me!

If I can't have him then no fucking body can! with that said ''yours truly'' moves the gun and points it at Bruno.

Cat pushes Bruno hard to the side as the gun fires in his direction and feels a burning sensation like fire through her chest as she falls on top of him.

She has no time to check if Bruno is ok when ''yours truly'' drags her up by the hair digging the gun into the side of her neck when the door crashes open with 4 cops pointing their guns shouting put the gun down and let the woman go now.

The hooligans are behind the cops and being held back by more cops.

Cat feels pain like she's never felt pain before, she looks over to Bruno and he's staring at her with shock and fear he looks ok which relieves her that's all that matters to her.

She doesn't know how much longer she can stand the pain in her chest it hurt to breath and the bitches pull on her hair was annoying the fuck out of her along with her shouting at the cops to stay away and get out.

She bends down and screams in Cat's face you've ruined everything!

She takes a chance she knows she may well die but she's had enough of this crazy bitch with her hair pulling and screaming and with all the strength she has Cat head butts her, the gun goes off and she grabs the hand holding it and smacks it once, twice, three times on the floor when it drops she back hands ''your truly'' grabs her by the hair and starts smacking her head off the floor repeatedly, the cops try to pull her off but fail it's Bruno coming over to her and saying stop Kitty Cat she's down and out let the cops deal with her now that makes her stop and watch as the cops cuff her, grab the gun and paramedics rush in with a gurney and strap her on it and take her away.

She turns to Bruno it's getting harder to breath and strokes his face and asks him if he's ok.

Tell me your not hurt.

I'm not hurt baby he replies holding her hand to his cheek and pulls her to him and hugs her and feels a wetness soaking through his t shirt he pulls back and looks down he's soaked in blood, Cat's blood.

I'm glad I couldn't stand you being hurt I love you she says gasping for air as he shouts for paramedics he lays her down gently on the floor as he feels her go limp and rests her head on his thighs and strokes her hair and tells her I love you too Kitty Cat so fucking much you better hang on you hear me?!

He can't believe everything that has happened and now the love of his life is lying on the floor bleeding from being shot, taking a bullet that had been meant for him he hadn't even known she had been shot or was bleeding with her black top on he'd seen it was wet but had thought it was sweat.

He can hear her gasping for air and sees her eyes starting to close and he tells her stay awake baby talk to me don't close your eyes and sees his band standing around them he looks down at her and says c'mon baby your a fighter keep fighting and breathing for me he sees her eyes open as the paramedics come in and put her on a gurney she looks at him and tells him before passing out i'll throw myself .... on a blade for you.... i'll catch a .....bullet for you... but i'm still drawing the line.... at catching a grenade or.... jumping in front of.... a train for you....

uh oh poor Cat is she going to live or die? I don't know...yet 

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