18. Hit & Run

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Cat had woken up at 5am and after having a cup of coffee decided to go for a run and clear her head.

She was enjoying the quiet streets and fresh air she has built up a sweat and had been running for over an hour and was nearly back home.

She gets to the gates and finds she's forgot her remote for them and is just punching in the code when she hears tires screeching and turns to see a black SUV with heavily tinted windows coming right at her she jumps out the way landing hard on the gravel feeling it bite and sting into her legs and hands and the car swerves into the wall inches from her and speeds off.

She makes her way through the gates and home where she goes quietly into the bedroom so not to wake Bruno up and goes straight to the bathroom where she checks out her legs and hands, her knees and the palm of her right hand are scraped but no serious damage thankfully they just stung and she was gonna have a hell of a bruise on her right hip she gets into the shower being careful to clean out the little bits of gravel embedded into her skin.

After getting dressed she gets a cup of coffee and heads into the security room where she checks the security tapes to see if there is anything to see of who had come at her in the SUV but is disgusted to see nothing just like yesterday but she knew it had been ''yours truly'' the bitch was getting bolder and dangerous.

She had called the cops and gave them a copy of the security tapes plus a statement they were just leaving when Bruno comes down the stairs in his blue bathrobe asking what's going on.

She mentally groaned this wasn't going to go down well she sees the cops out and goes into the family room and Bruno follows her in asking again what is going on.

Why were the cops here?

I have to tell you something and I want you to try hard not to over react she tells him, he nods slowly at her and says no promises she sighs and tells him what had happened and while she is she sees his anger and tells him that she's ok.

He walks over to her and starts to take her hands and pulls away afraid to touch her in case he hurts her and asks are you really ok.

Why didn't you fucking wake me up?!

Goddamn that crazy bitch!

You could've been killed!

He turns away running his hands through his hair and kicks the coffee table so hard that he flips it.

She goes to him and takes his hands in hers and tells him take it easy baby i'm ok and hugs him feeling the tension in his body she rubs his back trying to soothe him and his anger.

He wraps his arms around her tight everything she had told him running through his head scaring him to death he couldn't lose her.

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