22. Aftermath

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the next day

He was going insane he hadn't eaten or slept since yesterday he had been drinking nothing but coffee, his voice was hoarse from talking and singing to Cat she looks lifeless lying there in the hospital bed in intensive care hooked up to a machine that shows her heartbeat and a drip in giving her blood to replace what she had lost and an oxygen mask on, the doctors had assured him she would wake up when she was ready it was the bodies way of healing and her body had been put through a major trauma, she had lost a lot of blood and had almost died twice when they had been removing the bullet and stopping the internal bleeding she had suffered and that it would take months for her to be fully healed and he had to be patient.

Bruno had refused to leave her and the doctor had taken pity on him and agreed he could stay in the private room he had arranged for her as long as he didn't get in the way, he had readily agreed.

His family, band and her mom and uncle had been here until this morning when he told them to go home that he was staying with her and would let them know if there was any change.

He posted last night while she was in surgery on instagram, twitter and facebook a photo of them cuddling and asked for everyone to please pray for my angel she saved my life and is now fighting for hers.

It was nearly 10pm and he was starting to dose off in the chair beside her bed when he feels her hand jerk in his he jumps up and leans over her stroking her hair calling her name and watches as she slowly opens her eyes.

She was in pain it throbbed and stabbed through her and she feels so weak it was a struggle to open her eyes but she smelled Bruno felt his hand stroking her hair, hears his voice calling her name and she forces her eyes open, her vision was blurry, she turns her head to his voice and he kisses her gently on the forehead and pulls away her vision was clearing a bit and she sees he looks tired and he was smiling and crying.

She tries to talk and realises she has a oxygen mask on, she pulls it down and asks why are you crying? are you hurt? what's wrong with your voice?

No my darling angel i'm not hurt just hoarse and i'm great now that you've stopped auditioning for sleeping beauty and these are happy tears he replies.

She frowns at him as he kisses her hand and she looks around and sees she's in hospital and there are balloons, teddy bears and tons of flowers and knew all the yellow roses were from Bruno and what happened rushes back to her.

How long have I been here?

Why am I here? she asks him.

He tells her you've been here since last night and went over what had happened with ''yours truly'' last night whose name the police had told him is Amanda Green she's 24 years old and has been charged with assault, assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder and had admitted to trying to run her down and tells her what that the doctor had said that she was going to be ok but it's going to take months before she is fully healed.

She tries to turn towards him and gasps at the pain that goes through her chest.

He hears her gasp and presses the call button for the nurse and tells her not to move.

The nurse comes in quickly followed by a doctor who after examining Cat gives her morphine for the pain, takes the oxygen mask off her and advises her to move as little as possible and as they leave the nurse tells her to press the call button if she needs anything or is in pain.

He hears her say thirsty and pours a glass of ice water and holds it to her lips, she takes a few sips then stops and says i'd kill for a McDonalds chocolate milkshake right now making him laugh.

He kisses her lips softly and tells her to hang on and goes and opens the door where Kenny, Jamal and Diego are standing watch and he tells them she's awake and wants a chocolate milkshake he pulls out money from his pants and hands it to Kenny who steps forward offering to go and tells him to get whatever they all want and get 2 cheese burgers with fries and a large chocolate milkshake and coke for him and Cat.

He closes the door and goes stands beside her bed and takes hold of her hand and tells her that Kenny is on his way now to McDonalds and is happy to see her smile faintly she looks so tired, he can see pain in her eyes and it hurts him to see it.

She's sleeping when Kenny comes back from McDonalds and Bruno calls her name gently and watches her wake up and he holds the milkshake in front of her to see it and she reaches for it and he stops her placing the straw in her mouth.

She was enjoying the milkshake she felt like she had never tasted one so good before and then smells food and stops drinking when she sees Bruno wheel a tray over her bed and place a McDonalds bag on it.

She manages to eat a couple bites of cheese burger and a few fries and drink some more of her milkshake before feeling a bit nauseous and stops, she assures Bruno she's fine just tired and encourages him to eat up before falling asleep again.

He texts everyone after he had ate as much as he could that Cat had finally woken up and was now sleeping.

He bins their leftovers, walks back to her and kisses her lips gently and whispers I love you then sits in the chair by her bed and falls asleep holding her hand.

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