14. Time

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2 weeks later Bruno's home

Bruno had had enough and hopes what he'd just tweeted, My girl <3 #blessed #happy with a photo of him and Cat wrapped in each others arms smiling that had been taken on his birthday would stop the hate she was getting online he shakes his head it didn't bother her she kept on telling him that and that she's hardly online anyway but it bothered him.

He was a little nervous he didn't know what Cat would think when she finds out what he'd done and hopes he hadn't made things worse ahhhh damned if you do damned if you don't he thought but he loves her and he would stand for her and have her back and hopefully his hooligans would see in the photo how happy they are and stop giving her grief.

The letters from ''yours truly'' were getting on his nerves he wished they would just stop already.

He looks at his watch it was 7:45am and decided to go make breakfast he gets up and looks over at Cat who was sleeping and walks over to her, she looks so peaceful which he had rarely seen these days since finding out about the threats she was hyper alert when they were out that they had stopped going out on dates and just had dates in so she could relax and let down her guard he kisses her lightly on the lips and goes to the kitchen.

He makes cheese omlettes and toast and a pot of coffee and carries it all on a tray to the bedroom where he places the tray down and goes over to Cat and kisses her she turns her head from him and he kisses her shoulder and she mumbles nuh uh it makes him laugh he goes and pours a cup of coffee for her and carries it over to her blowing on it and sees her nose twitch at the scent he does it again and she turns fully to him opening her eyes slowly she looks at him then hones in on the coffee and says gimme which he does once she sits up and he goes and gets the tray and sits on the bed not saying a word he just smiles at her and pours himself coffee and starts eating he knew she'd talk once she has drank half the coffee, he knows his woman.

They talk over breakfast about his tweet and she tells him she's fine with it, it wasn't like it was the first photo that had been posted online of them, it was just the first one that he had posted.

He had taken the tray to the kitchen to return to the bedroom to find her gone which puzzles him until he hears the shower and he smiles he loves showering with her and goes in and joins her.

She was rinsing conditioner out of her hair when Bruno joins her in the shower and she tells him don't start, you've got rehearsal for the AMA's which makes him smirk and moving closer to her he replies hey i'm just trying to conserve water here making her laugh yeah riiiiiiight she replies ok that and we can wash each others backs he replies to her while caressing her arm.

He washes her back and butt slowly then moves in front of her and washes her neck, shoulders, breasts, chest and stomach in slow circles and in between her legs making her moan he drops the cloth and replaces it with his fingers and kisses her shoulder and neck then her lips passionately, she pulls back from him and says we can't you'll be late he smiles and moves closer to her and replies they can't start without me and I can be quick which makes her laugh and she replies no sunshine an hour is quick for you we don't have that time, he kisses her and says lets make time and why'd you call me sunshine? she looks into his eyes and replies because when you are around I feel like the sun is shining, you are my sunshine and she kisses him and all thought of the time is forgotten as they kiss and caress each other all over knowing exactly how each other likes it, their moans rising their breath heavy he pushes her up against the wall and she turns and looks at him over her shoulder and asks him what are you waiting for.

He smiles and kisses his way up her butt, back and neck making her gasp and pulls her head back and kisses her deeply then steps back a little and enters her slowly loving the feel of her wet, hot and tight he keeps his thrusts slow and holds onto her hips.

He is driving her crazy with the slow thrusts she squeezes her muscles contracting them around him making him groan fuck and tells him harder, faster, fuck aaaaaaah be quick my ass she tells him gasping and he laughs a little and replies your wish is my command baby and thrusts harder, deeper and faster into her making her cry out when she comes she cries out his name and he feels her orgasm and comes too crying out I love you! hugging her to him kissing her shoulder waiting for their breathing to return to normal and for the strength to move to come back they stay that way.

It had been a rush after their shower to get ready and get to the final rehearsal for the AMA's which they get to 45 minutes late and his band call him a lazy ass and thank him sarcastically for gracing them with his presence and that they had aged at least 10 years waiting on him could he see their grey hair?

He rolls his eyes at them and laughs, he turns to Cat who folds her arms and mouths I told you so and he shakes his head smiling at her, it was true while they had been getting ready she had griped at him quick my ass to which he'd replied I love your ass didn't I show you how much in the shower? making her laugh and tell him to move his ass and finish getting ready.

They all go for donuts and coffee after rehearsing for the last time for the AMA'S which was tomorrow night.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow not just because of the AMA's but Cat was moving her things in to his home which would become their home tomorrow, yeah tomorrow was gonna be a great day Bruno thought.

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