7. First Date

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5 days later

He wakes up feeling a little down because Cat isn't there beside him, he'd woken up earlier and had seen her get dressed and she'd kissed him and told him to go back to sleep and she'd see him in a few hours and Bruno had eventually fallen asleep again, but it had been hard because his bed feels too damn big without Cat lying beside him and when he wakes up nearly 2 hours later Bruno can't go back to sleep even if he wanted to because all he can think about is that tonight will be the first time he and Cat go out as a couple, no more fucking hiding that they're together and that makes him happy and excited and he gets up, showers, shaves and he gets dressed in blue jeans and white t shirt and he goes down to the kitchen and has coffee and 2 pop tarts then he goes into his office where he goes over his schedule, he's going to New York tomorrow where he and his band will be for the rest of the week for performances and interviews for his new single 24k Magic, it will be hectic, so it's a good thing that he and Cat are having their first public date tonight and Bruno's glad he booked a table for him and Cat at the Ivy for 8pm tonight and he wonders what she'll wear tonight or won't wear and Bruno laughs then groans and he closes his eyes and remembers being surprised and turned on as hell when Cat had ripped her dress open last night on top of him to reveal she didn't have any underwear on, damn, she's hot as fuck and it turns him on just thinking about it, he loves her and everything about her.

He is happy and relieved that Sunday dinner with his family had gone so well and that Cat had fit right in and had got on like a house on fire with his family, but Bruno's biggest concern is how will his fans, his hooligans take to her, treat her, he doesn't want Cat getting threats or hate from them or anyone else.

He looks at the time on his watch, it's nearly noon, Cat should be here by now and Bruno grabs his cell phone from on top of his desk and calls her and she answers on the 2nd ring and he asks her, where are you baby, I miss you and Bruno hates how sulky he sounds and Cat laughs and tells him, i'm playing with Geronimo by the pool and Bruno grins and he tells Cat, i'll be there in a minute and he hangs up and runs out to the pool and Cat smiles as she sees him and he stops in front of her and kisses her and she tells him, I saw you in your office and I didn't want to disturb you as you looked busy and Bruno puts his arms around Cat and tells her, you could never disturb me kitty Cat, I was worried when I thought you weren't here, so in future let me know ok and Cat kisses him and tells him, I will, i'm sorry Bruno and he kisses Cat and tells her, you're forgiven this time but if you do it again I will spank you baby and Cat laughs and tells him, oh no, not that and Bruno laughs and Geronimo comes over to them and drops his ball at their feet and they play fetch with him for a while then they go into the kitchen and make ham sandwiches for lunch.

He was holding Cat's right hand and she pulls it away from him quickly and Bruno feels confused and wonders what's going on and Kenny walks into the kitchen and he says hi to him and Cat and tells them that he's just after a bottle of water and Bruno tells him, sure man, help yourself and Kenny grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge and leaves the kitchen and Bruno looks at Cat and asks her, Kenny knows we're together so why'd you pull your hand away from me, is he giving you a hard time about us and Cat tells him, no, Kenny's barely talking to me, look, I need to show that when i'm on duty i'm not your girlfriend, i'm just a bodyguard like him and the other guys, but if Kenny or any of the other bodyguards give me a bit of grief, I can handle it and Bruno frowns and tells Cat angrily, the hell with that, if any of them give you shit about us i'll fire their fucking ass.

She can see that Bruno is mad and Cat tells him, don't worry about it, it hasn't happened and Cat can hear the unsaid yet and she decides that it's for the best that she doesn't tell Bruno about the looks she's been getting from the other bodyguards or the snide comments from some of them, she doesn't want Bruno to worry about her or make him pissed off with the guys, he has his new single out and his new album will be dropping next month and he'll have a lot on his plate to do for them and Cat knows she can and will handle any repercussions with the other bodyguards because of their relationship.

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