24. Christmas day Part 1

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She wakes up with Bruno sleeping facing her holding her hand, he's so careful not to touch her chest, he touches her gently and so carefully since she was shot like she was made of glass.

She watches Bruno sleep and feels so thankful that he hadn't been harmed and although Bruno had hated it when she had said it to him the day after she got home from hospital, Cat knows she would do it again in a heartbeat, she would give her life to save his.

She had fallen asleep again and she wakes up to the smell of coffee & Cat smiles as she opens her eyes and sees Bruno sitting on the bed with a tray with 2 plates of pancakes with syrup and holding a cup of coffee out to her and Cat sits up slowly mindful of her chest and takes the coffee from Bruno and tells him, thanks, I love you, Merry Christmas sunshine and Bruno smiles and leans over to her and tells her, I love you too, Merry Christmas angel and he kisses her.

He had told her while they had breakfast that his sisters were downstairs seeing to Christmas dinner and the rest of the family would be here in 2 hours she wanted to go help them and he says no, no way all I want you to do today is relax and enjoy the day.

He puts there breakfast tray down on the floor and Bruno pulls a Christmas gift out from behind his pillow and hands it to her and Cat smiles and  opens it to find a beautiful gold bracelet that has a gold heart and angel charms on it and Bruno tells her to read both sides of the heart and Cat's heart melt as she reads my love on one side and B&C forever on the other side of the heart and she thanks Bruno and tells him it's beautiful and he leans over and kisses her.

He watches Cat get out of bed slowly and go into her closet and Bruno watches her coming out from her closet with a large box wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper and he sees that Cat struggling with it and Bruno gets up from their bed and goes and takes it from her quickly and helps her back to bed and Cat smiles and tells him, I hope you like what I got you and Bruno smiles and tells her, i'm sure I will and he opens the box and sees 4 large gold frames each with a certificate that says star deed on it and his name and the names of his albums on them and Bruno feels confused and it must show as Cat tells him, I had 4 stars named after your albums and one named after you, cos baby you're a star, my shining super star.

He's speechless and feels deeply touched and Bruno tells Cat, thank you so much these, they're awesome,  I love them and Bruno clasps Cat's right hand and tells her, i'm going to hang these in my music room.

She gets out of bed and Cat goes and has a shower and gets dressed and ready for the day and Bruno tells her he'll be back in a few minutes and to be careful and just holler for him if she needs anything.

I'll post part 2 tomorrow 😘

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