20. Showdown Part 1

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the next day

They'd had a lazy bed in day making love, talking, laughing, watching movies and only getting up to use the bathrom or get something to eat or drink he couldn't help but smile thinking about it as he finishes getting dressed that night and thinking of convincing Cat to do it all over again tomorrow while trying to fix a few of his curls that had a mind of their own.

She goes into the bedroom to hurry him up and stops short when she sees Bruno fixing his hair smiling in his closet mirror.

Hey sunshine you have to hurry up we need to leave in 5 minutes for the KIIS Jingle Ball she tells him as he spots her.

He checks his hair and decides it'll do and grabs his bag that has a change of clothes for after the show and walks over to Cat and kisses her and tells her i'm ready to go now Kitty Cat.

Back stage at the Staples Center after Bruno has finished his set he runs to Cat and picks her up, spins her around and kisses her hard his band following him off shake their heads and tell them to get a room they laugh and he lets Cat go who hands him a towel and a bottle of water.

She wanted him so fucking bad, having him standing here with sweat dripping off him turned her on, she was damn sore from all the sex they had had that day but she wanted him again, right now.

He sees the look in her eyes and knows she wants him just as badly as he wants her, he kisses her deeply and says in her ear meet me in my dressing room in 10 minutes I want to freshen up she agrees and he kisses her hard and tells her not to keep him waiting and says I love you, she says I love you too and Kenny, Diego and Jamal escort him while she goes to check on the band.

He had just finished wiping his face and neck with wet wipes when he hears a knock on his dressing room door he calls out come in thinking it's Cat not being able to wait 10 minutes but it's a woman she comes in and closes the door she looks to be in her early 20's, slim with short blond hair wearing a short black skirt and white shirt with a name tag and black heels she looks almost 6 feet tall she's carrying a tray with a bottle of champagne, a towel and a packet of wet wipes he's about to ask her who sent them when she pulls out a gun from under the towel and points it at him.

At last we finally meet Bruno i've waited so long.

Do you know who I am she asks him.

He doesn't take his eyes off the gun in her hand, all he can think is oh shit this has to be the crazy bitch and he had a feeling of foreboding that he has never felt before he tells her no and forces a laugh and asks her if one of his band members had put her up to this.

No, don't be obtuse i'm ''yours truly'' we are destined to be together Bruno but sometimes destiny needs a helping hand she replies moving further into the room and standing across from him.

He's trying to think of a way to talk her down, make her see sense and to put the gun down when Cat walks in and freezes when she sees ''yours truly'' now pointing the gun at her and tells her to get in and close the fucking door.

Cat had heard the conversation between them and had told Jamal to call the cops before going into Bruno's dressing room what she hadn't known before going in was that ''your truly'' had a gun which was now pointed at her.....

stay tuned i'll post part 2  tomorrow :)

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