12. Surprises Part 2

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They have dinner in the dining room which he has lit with candles only and she compliments him on his cooking, the chicken adobo he made is delicious and he thanks her and tells her his mom taught him how to cook it, they finish off with strawberries which they feed each other in between kisses ignoring the cream he had served with them.

He takes her hand and takes her back into the family room after clearing the dishes away and puts on boyz II men and walks back to her and says I love you so much Kitty Cat will you move in with me? he pulls out a keyring with keys to his house and a remote control for the gates and garage and a red heart and hands them to her she is stunned she wasn't expecting that and replies I love you too, but I need time to think about it.

He is a little disappointed but at least she wasn't saying no and can tell she is surprised and tells her ok but just a little time ok and he kisses her and says dance with me holding his hand out and she takes it and they dance with her arms around his neck playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, her head on his shoulder and his arms around her waist, they move slowly to the music.

He can't take it anymore they have been making out while dancing to the point where they were no longer dancing at all and he tells her i've got another surprise for you, she asks him what and he smiles and shakes his head and takes her hand and leads her to his bedroom which he has lit with her favourite vanilla candles and has red rose petals leading to the bed which has white silk sheets.

She is surprised and turns to him and puts her hand on his face and tells him this looks great you have went to so much trouble tonight and kisses him then no words are needed or said as he deepens the kiss and they stroke each other all over and undress each other they get on the bed where they can't stop kissing or touching each other and he reaches between them and finds her wet and strokes her and puts 2 fingers inside her making her moan as he puts them in and out over and over again then he pulls back and looks into her eyes as he enters her with his rocket in 1 slow thrust and keeps his thrusts slow and deep driving them both crazy, she strokes his pecs and down his chest and cries out more, harder, now, fuck Bruno! he can't deny her and starts pounding into her, sweat dripping down his face and neck and she can't resist she reaches up and licks it off and she clamps her legs tighter around his waist as he grips her hips driving him into her further, their sweat slicked bodies sliding together and the only sounds in the room is their bodies slapping against each other and their heavy breathing and moans of pleasure and he cries out come for me baby and she does screaming his name and scratching his back and he follows her moments later crying out I love you!

They are a sweaty mess and go take a shower, afterwards they get into bed naked,tired and happy and about to fall asleep when Bruno says I have something to tell you.

What she asks.

I wrote versace on the floor, straight up & down and finesse for you, about you.

She is shocked and tells him I had no idea they were for me, i'm honoured she caresses his neck and says thank you and kisses him then pulls back and says I love you sunshine are there anymore surprises you wanna tell me or show me? because i'm not sure I can take anymore she tells him laughing he laughs with her and tells her no baby i'm glad tonight went so well and I got your  versace on the floor which they both laugh at.

Once she is asleep Bruno looks at her and whispers I lied there is 1 more surprise but I know your not ready for it yet....

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