19. Breaking Out

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2 days later

She was going crazy Bruno had been fussing over her since Tuesday and trying to get her to take time off to heal she rolled her eyes she had told him over and over again she's fine a few scrapes and a bruised hip does not require time off work, staying in bed or at home or being served chicken soup and their bedroom and the family room was filled with what looked liked hundreds of yellow roses that he had bought her, she needed to get out she was going stir crazy.

She finds Bruno in the home gym rehearsing with his band for the KIIS Jingle Ball which was tomorrow night he'd just finished singing 24k Magic when he spots her.

He comes over to her and the guys all call out to her she says hi to them all and that she is fine when they ask and tells them that they sound great as always.

He was concerned she was dressed to go out and he wanted her to stay home where she'd be safe and take it easy and he could take care of her he kisses her softly and put his arms around her waist.

She takes a deep breath and says i'm going to go Christmas shopping can I get you anything while i'm out.

I thought you had been doing your Christmas shopping online he replies.

I have but there are a few left that I need for people and i'm not seeing anything online for them that I like she tells him.

Why don't you leave it a week or 2 and we can go together he replies.

She was about to answer when all the guys shout out oooh whatcha getting us for Christmas Cat.

Get them nothing unless it's muzzles Bruno says making her laugh and the guys snigger and give him the finger and Jimmy tells him to shut up, Kam tells Bruno to shut it or he'll shave him bald when he's sleeping and Jam shouts out wild Cat remember you love me and Duggy says keep that kinky shit for the bedroom and Bruno tells him your thinking of ball gags man and tells them to fuck off.

She was laughing so hard that she has tears of laughter when Phil comes over to her and says get B a muzzle take a photo of him wearing it and that will be my Christmas present please and kisses her cheek and Bruno tells him to bite him and pushes him away.

She had stayed with the guys almost an hour her ribs hurt from laughing so much and promises Bruno she'd be careful, she kisses him gently and reminds him she can handle herself and not to worry she'd be back in a couple of hours.

He watched her leave he knew she could fight and handle herself but he wished he could snatch her up and put her in a bubble safe from any harm he had watched the security tape and had seen how damn close she had been to being hit by the car if she hadn't reacted so quickly.

He got back to rehearsing with one thought please let her be safe.

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