6. The morning after Bruno's birthday

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Bruno wakes up and he sees Cat sleeping beside him with her arm over his waist and his hand is on top of hers and he smiles, man she's beautiful, she looks so peaceful, he's never seen her sleep before now and the fact she had stayed the night and he was waking up next to her was a first but far from the last time if he has his way and he watches Cat sleep for a bit then Bruno decides after yesterday that he's going to surprise her and he kisses her gently and moves slowly and carefully out of bed so not to wake her up and he puts his blue robe on and goes downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for them.

He walks into his bedroom with a tray with coffee, OJ and 2 forks and 2 plates of pancakes and syrup on it and he puts the tray down on the love seat that's by the window and he goes over to the bed and he kisses Cat and she moans a little and pushes him half heartedly away mumbling nuh uh and he kisses her shoulder and she tells him with her voice heavy with sleep, the house had better be burning down or being invaded by your hooligan fans for you to be waking me up and Bruno laughs and he kisses her and tells her, no, wake up I got something for you and Cat looks at him, raises her eyebrow and tells him, you better run if you've woken me up for sex and Bruno laughs and shakes his head no and he goes and gets the tray with their breakfast on it that's on the love seat by the window and he takes it over to the bed and he sees Cat's eyes are closed and he tells her, wake up woman and she opens her eyes and sees the tray and sits up and he asks her, so you won't wake up for me but you will for breakfast.

She takes her eyes off the only thing she wants right now and looks at Bruno and tells him, no, just gimme the coffee and he tells her, ok grumpy and he sits down on the bed and puts the tray between them and hands her a cup of coffee and Cat closes her eyes and takes a sip, it tastes just the way she likes it and she looks at Bruno who's smirking at her and she ignores him and when she's drank half of the coffee she tells Bruno, thanks, i'm not a morning person until i've had coffee and Bruno smiles and says, so that's why your grumpy and he hands her a plate of pancakes, he's almost finished eating his and Cat pours syrup on her pancakes and eats 3 of the 5 pancakes and Bruno has no trouble eating the rest of his pancakes his and the 2 she'd left and she finishes her coffee and asks Bruno, where do you put all that damn food and he laughs and tells her, I have a good metabolism and I work it off and I burn a lot of energy off with you and he he smirks and Cat rolls her eyes and tells Bruno, thanks for breakfast and he leans over and kisses her and his phone rings and she pulls back from their kiss and he tells her, forget it and she tells him, no, get it, it might be important.

He answers his phone, it's his sister Jaime and Cat gets out of bed naked and he can't take his eyes off her and Bruno watches her go into the bathroom and she closes the door and he hears Jaime asking him, bro are you listening to me, well, what the fuck bro, answer me and Bruno can tell Jaime is annoyed and he tells her, i'm here and he apologises and tells her, my mind wandered, man had it ever Bruno thinks smiling and he's just off the phone with Jaime when Cat comes out of the bathroom and starts getting dressed which doesn't register with him until she'd puts her top on and he asks her, why don't we just stay in bed, it's Sunday, we can have a lazy day and Cat tells him, tempting but you're having dinner with your family remember which reminds Bruno of Jaime's phone call and he tells Cat, yeah, about that, that's why Jaime called, all my family want you to come to dinner today.

She is surprised, she knows Eric and from what Cat's seen she knows they're a tight knit family and she tells Bruno, ok and he smiles and comes over to her giving her the look that makes her melt and burn up inside and he puts his arms around her and asks her, so how about we stay in bed until we have to get ready and go to dinner with my family and she kisses him and tells him, I can't, today is my day off and i've got things to do, top of which is getting a change of clothes but i'll be back in plenty of time and she goes and grabs her shorts from the floor and puts them on and and she rolls up her panties and puts them into 1 of her shorts pocket, now all she needs to find after finding her phone in the other pocket of her shorts with her car keys is her shoes which she can't see, they must be by the lounger and Cat looks at Bruno who's giving her the puppy dog eyes and she shakes her head, laughs and kisses him quickly and heads for the backyard for her shoes and Bruno picks his shorts up from the floor and puts them on quickly and follows her telling her, I get that you have things to do baby, but all I want to do is you and Cat laughs and keeps walking.

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