5. Goodbye dirty 30

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The next day

She is feeling so damn nervous and she asks herself what if Bruno doesn't like it but Cat knows it's to late now to get something else for him and all she can do is hope that he does like it as she had collected his gift from the jewellers yesterday and she's waiting until later to give it to him when she can get him alone and she bites her lower lip, man, she has never been so fucking nervous about giving a gift to anyone before.

His family, band and their families, close friends and Cat are here, everybody he loves is here and Bruno feels blessed and so damned happy to have them here for his birthday, he feels like he's on cloud 9, nah, after seeing all the positive comments about his new single and all his birthday wishes he's on cloud 9 trillion which is exactly what he had tweeted earlier along with thanks for his birthday wishes.

He had noticed that other than saying happy birthday to him Cat has kept her distance from him and he gets it as there are another 11 bodyguards here today, he'd gotten extra security because he wanted to be sure everyone was safe and not bothered by the paparazzi parked outside his home and Bruno smiles at his sisters who had come over with enough food to feed a damn army and his brother Eric is grilling burgers, hot dogs and chicken and everyone is stuffing their faces, laughing and having fun, yeah, this is a great day, but what would make it perfect for him is if everyone knew that he and Cat are a couple and he could openly touch her, kiss her, hold her hand, have her sit on his lap and go out on dates and Bruno knows he has so much to be thankful for, but what he really wants is his relationship with Cat to be out in the open and he doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks.

He watches his sisters come towards him carrying his birthday cake that looks like a red guitar and they and everyone else start singing happy birthday to him and when they're done his sister Presley tells him, don't just stand there, blow the candles out bro and make a wish and Bruno smiles and he blows out the candles and he wishes for Cat to love him back and he steps back from the cake and his brother Eric pushes his face into the cake getting icing all over his face and everyone laughs and Bruno wipes a bit of the cake off his face and he throws it at Eric which hits him on the side of his face and he goes into the kitchen where he cleans the rest of the cake off his face and he gets a beer from the fridge.

She had seen Bruno head into the house and Cat follows him to the kitchen and stays out of sight as his sisters are in the kitchen are getting more juice for the kids and when they leave it she goes into the kitchen and walks over to Bruno and he smiles at her and she looks around and seeing no one else around she grabs his right hand and leads him into the laundry room and she closes the door and when she turns around Bruno put his hands on her waist and kisses her and tells her, i've missed you and she laughs and tells him, i'm right here, i've been here all day babe and Bruno tells her, I know, but not the way I want you here baby girl, I want you with me always and I want every fucking body to know we're together and that you're my woman, don't get me wrong i'm having a great birthday, but us, out in the open, would make it perfect and Cat feels guilty because Bruno should feel on top of the fucking world right now and he isn't because of her.

She takes Bruno's gift out of her pocket and gives it to him and she kisses him and tells him, happy birthday babe, I hope you like it and Cat watches Bruno nervously as he unwraps it and opens the box inside to reveal a bolo tie that has a gold pin with 24K on it.

He is touched and Cat looks anxious and it's obvious she's nervous about his gift and Bruno smiles and tells her, it's beautiful Kitty Cat, I love it and he kisses her and tells her, i'm gonna keep this for the first time we actually go out on a date and Cat laughs and asks him, so you really like it and he tells her, yes baby, I love it thank you.

She takes a deep breath and Cat asks Bruno, would everyone knowing about them really make today perfect for him and Bruno tells her, Are you kidding me, damn baby, it would mean the world to me and with everyone knowing we'd be able to be a proper couple and not hiding it from anyone anymore would make me so fucking happy, I want the world to know you're mine and that i'm yours and go out on dates for a change instead of us always staying here and cat tells him, ok, if you want to go tell everyone then lets go and he kisses her, he can't believe Cat's agreed to letting everyone know about them and he lets her go, looks into her eyes and asks her, are you sure and Cat tells him, I can't deny i'm nervous but yes i'm sure and Bruno feels relived and so fucking happy and he kisses Cat hard and fast, puts his gift from her into his shorts pocket, grabs her left hand and he leads her quickly out to the backyard where everyone is in case she changes her mind.

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