8. Living it up in NYC

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The next day

They get to the airport with 5 minutes to spare and Bruno is glad that he has a private jet and his band are on the plane waiting for him, Cat and Kenny.

His band has been quiet since take off and they're never this quiet unless they're sleeping, it doesn't feel right so Bruno asks them, what's up fellas and no one says a word and Bruno knows something is up and Phil tells him, there are photos of you and Cat all over the internet and a video of you two kissing outside the Ivy restaurant and you telling the paparazzi ''yes, this beautiful woman is my girlfriend'' and his band all say aw and make kissing noises and John tells Cat, damn, you looked mighty fine in that short red dress and Cat tells John, well thanks and Bruno glares at John and his band tease him and Cat, but it's all in good fun.

When Bruno goes to the bathroom Kenny sits beside her looking uncomfortable and he tells her, i'm sorry i've been off with you, look, you should know that there's a lot of shit being said about you on twitter and about your date with Bruno last night and you being his girlfriend and this doesn't surprise Cat at all, it's not nice but she'd expected it and she tells Kenny, I appreciate your apology but don't worry about it, haters gonna hate and Bruno appears and stands beside Kenny and ask them, hate what and Kenny gets up from Bruno's seat and walks away and Bruno watches him go and he sits down beside her and all Cat can think it, well shit, Bruno would have to hear that and she decides to be straight with him and she tells him what Kenny told her and Cat can see the anger on Bruno's face and she clasps his hand and tells him, don't worry about it, i'm not on social media much and whatever they're saying about me online doesn't matter, they don't know me or us as a couple so don't let it get to you, just concentrate on your music, then me when you have downtime.

It isn't ok, he's angry, he knew Cat would get crap because she's with him, but it pisses him off and Bruno wishes that the people hating on Cat online knew how great she is and how happy she makes him and how much he loves her.

It has been a busy week and Bruno feels beyond tired, but he's happy to be performing again and do interviews where he gets asked the same questions over and over again which gets on his nerves a bit but he's glad to get to explain the different sound to his 3rd album compared to his first 2 albums and when he and the hooligans hit the stage and perform, it's worth it, on the stage performing is where they damn well belong, there was never and would never be any half measures, they give their all in every damn performance they do.

They have just finished performing on SNL and everything had went great and Bruno wonders what people thought about Chunky which he'd performed for the first time on the show.

He and the guys had freshened up and had got changed and they leave SNL's studio hungry and wanting pizza and they stop outside on the way to their bus to talk to fans, give autographs and take photos with them, his ears are ringing from all the girls screaming and Bruno and his band get on the bus and Cat and Kenny are last to get on and the driver takes off and Bruno tells the driver to stop at the best pizza joint he knows.

He and his band had gorged themselves on pizza and desert and although Bruno would like to stay for a bit and relax but they're going back to the hotel because there's too many customers staring at him and his band and trying to take photos of them without them seeing with their phones and although it's amusing, they're just there to eat and chill.

They get back to the hotel and Bruno is more than ready for sleep and by the look of his band so are they and it had been decided on the way back to the hotel that they'd all hook up in his and Cat's room at 9am the next morning for breakfast since they have the biggest suite.

In their hotel room he and Cat get stripped and go to bed naked and Bruno pulls Cat into his arms and she places her hand over his heart and they kiss and go to asleep, it's been a long busy day and they're beat.

He wakes up and looks at the time on his phone and Bruno sees that it's almost 4am and he tries to go back to sleep and fails, sleep is the last thing on his mind with Cat in his arms, he can't resist her, the sex dragon is awake and wants his mate Bruno thinks and he laughs quietly and groans because it's true.

He strokes Cat's body gently and kisses her and she moans in her sleep and Bruno drops nibbling kisses down her neck and chest and he strokes, sucks and kisses her breasts and he slides his hand in between her legs and finds her hot wet centre and he strokes it and slips 2 of his fingers in and out of her and Cat moans and runs her hands down his sides and grips his back, she's awake and ready for him and Bruno replaces his fingers with his rocket and thrusts in and out of her and Cat arches her back and they kiss, they're both breathing heavily and Cat thrusts her hips up matching his pace and they both moan in pleasure.

She is so close to coming and Cat works her inner muscles around Bruno's dick and he yells, fuck yes and she does it again and Bruno thrusts faster in and out of her and she cries out his name and scratches his back as she comes.

He feels Cat's inner muscles contracting around his dick as she comes and Bruno comes feeling them and calls out, I love you Cat and he gets off her and Cat turns to lie facing him and he pulls her closer to him and caresses her back and she runs her hand through his hair, their hearts are racing and their breathing is ragged and when they start breathing normally again they decide to have a shower and they get into the shower and Cat yawns and tells him, keep that rocket to yourself mister and Bruno laughs and smirks, they're a mess and even though he'd love to have sex with Cat in the shower he's just too damn tired and after their shower they get dried quickly and go back to bed and they fall asleep straight away.

They wake up with 20 minutes to get ready before his band arrives for breakfast and Bruno orders enough food from room service for an army and Cat had told him he'd ordered too much and Bruno looks at his bands empty plates, all the food has been eaten and he smirks at Cat and she rolls her eyes and looks away from him.

Phred looks up from his phone and tells everyone, from the tweets i've just read people are loving Chunky and our performances on SNL last night which makes all the guys happy.

She is fed up with the looks Phred has been giving her and Cat decides to call him out and she asks him, what's up Phred and he tells her, nothing, he looks like a deer caught in headlights, he looks fucking guilty, the rest of the guys have stopped talking and are looking at them and Cat keeps her eyes on Phred and asks him, what's with the looks you've been giving me and he sighs and Bruno asks them, what's going on and Phred looks at her and asks her, have you seen what's being said about you on twitter and Bruno and the rest of his band all glare at Phred and Cat shrugs and she tells them all, relax guys, I already know i'm getting hate on twitter for being with Bruno but those people don't know me or how Bruno and I are together, they only know that i'm 1 of his bodyguards and Bruno who's sitting beside her clasps her right hand and kisses the back of it and Cat smiles at him and tells everyone, I don't care what people I don't know think about me, sticks and stones my friends, sticks and stones.

The plot line starts in the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it  xxx

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