28. Epilogue

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1 Year later

It was the day before their first wedding anniversary and everything was set to celebrate it with a party at their home with everyone who had been at their wedding, Bruno and Cat were going over everything one last time with their party planner Cheryl they wanted to make sure everything went without a hitch.

She had been having twinges all morning but keeps it to herself as Bruno was so over protective of her and would just grab her hospital bag and get her into the car and to the hospital if she told him, it was sweet but she wasn't due for another 2 weeks.

She decides to go online and tweet a little and do a little creeping that she had picked up from Bruno she enjoyed going online more now and the gifs and drawings and tweets of love and support she got were sweet from the hooligans who still either called her the hooligans angel or Bruno's angel and she tried to respond to as many as possible.

They were so happy it had been hard being apart when Cat had to stop touring with him when she was 5 months pregnant but they had talked on the phone, texted and face timed each other everyday it wasn't enough and he was glad that he was now home and would be here for their first wedding anniversary and the birth of their children he knew he was driving Cat nuts not wanting her to do anything but he couldn't help it he loved her so much and wanted her and their babies healthy and safe.

She had fallen asleep as she often did these days and woke up to stabbing pains and cries out, Bruno comes running to her asking what's wrong baby.

She had no sooner said I think the babies are coming when her waters break and she sees his eyes go wide at seeing it and he runs to her closet grabs her hospital bag and helps her up and starts to take her out their bedroom when she tells him we need shoes baby he puts a pair of flip flops on her feet then puts a pair of converse on then helps her out the bedroom and to the car calling Kenny and Jamal who were at the car a minute later and drive them to the hospital where Cat's obstetrician was waiting for them.

It had been a long labor Bruno hated seeing Cat in pain and is stunned when he was going through the breathing exercises again with her when she pulls him to her by his t shirt and screams at him breath? breath? what the fuck do you think i'm doing you dumbass? and screams men y'all should go through this fucking shit!

You can keep your damn dick away from me in future!

Get use to your hand!

It was 1am when Bernadette Hope Hernandez was born who looks like both her parents and her brother Caleb Peter Hernandez was born at 1:09am who is the spitting image of his father.

When the babies had been cleaned and dressed the nurses placed Caleb in Cat's arms and Bernadette in Bruno's arms they were beautiful and healthy and as proven when born they had a great set of lungs on them.

He couldn't stop looking at them he was in love with them his beautiful babies that he and Cat had created out of their love.

He turns to Cat with tears and tells her thank you for giving me the best gift ever, our children, I love you Mrs Hernandez more than words can say Happy Anniversary then leans over mindful of the babies and kisses her and when he pulls back she cups his face and says I love you too Mr Hernandez Happy Anniversary.

Their family came in and took turns holding the babies and taking photos before being asked to leave by the doctor to let Cat and the babies rest.

He stayed with them Bruno couldn't bare the thought of being apart from them right now, he couldn't take his eyes off his amazing wife and their children.

Life didn't get better than this Bruno thought he had a career he loved, the love of his life and he was now a father he was the happiest man in the world.

When he heard Bernadette and Caleb stir he held one of their hands and sang count on me which sent them back to sleep.

He posts a photo on instagram, facebook and twitter while Cat and the babies sleep that Tiara had taken of him and Cat holding their twins telling the world their names and that they and Cat were doing well and he was the luckiest man in the world to have so much love and happiness #ProudHusbandAndFather #blessed <3

I want to thank everyone who has read, voted and hopefully enjoyed my first Bruno Mars fanfic.

I enjoyed writing this and actually found it was like therapy, a good release and fun to do i'm sick and don't get a lot of fun in life so this was a good outlet for me to do when I was feeling up to it.

I have started another Bruno Mars fanfic and i'll post the first chapter in the next day or 2  it's called New Beginnings and I hope you'll enjoy it i'm out of my comfort zone with this 1 at least right now as I don't get into fights and i'm not bitchy or mean ....and that's all i'm gonna give away about it  lol

stay tuned folks and you can holler at me on twitter if you want @1stLadyHooligan 😘

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