13. Somewhere in London

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2 weeks later in the UK

The threatening letters were still coming, the police had ran all the finger prints on the letters and had told them that there was 1 set of finger prints other than Ryan, Bruno, Cat and Kenny's that they were unable to identify.

It was a worry, Bruno had never been threatened before usually the letters he got came with gifts, drawings of him or underwear and explicit from his hooligan fans and what they wanted to do to his body and how much they loved his music but the hate directed to Cat in the letters and online still pissed him off.

The guys were riding high after performing on BBC 1 Radio Lounge and now all they wanted was food ahhhh what he'd give for taco bell right now Bruno thought but no taco bell here and the guys wanted McDonalds, he stops outside while the guys get onto the bus and talks to some fans and takes photos with them, it was damn cold in the UK.  He was almost at the bus when he hears a girls voice shouting his name over everyone and he turns, she was close but Cat was keeping her back and Kenny, Diego and Jamal was beside him and as he's just stepping on the bus when he hears the girl scream let me speak to him you bloody bitch! he turns just as she hits Cat with her phone, he starts to go to Cat to make sure she's ok but she moves so quick she has the girl on the ground, she turns and seeing Bruno trying to push past the other bodyguards she tells him to get on the bus she'll be there in a minute, he sees BBC security go over and take the girl and he's ushered onto the bus, Cat joins them a minute later and although he couldn't see her eyes, she looks unhurt but he can tell she is pissed off.

Cat was pissed off alright as soon as the bus starts moving she goes over to Bruno who smiles at her showing his dimples damn him and them she'd be damned if she'd let them soften her not on this and not caring that all the guys were watching and will be able to hear she tells him under no circumstances is he to ever do that again no matter what was happening to her or any of his bodyguards he was to get his ass to safety no matter what! or she'd kick his skinny ass which has all the guys laughing and razzing on him but he ignores them never taking his eyes off her.

He took it he knew she was right but he also knew he'd do it again but he was no fool and keeps that thought to himself, man she was hot especially pissed off and his next thought was that he had wondered earlier while singing Adele's ALL I Ask that he had co written why had she put shades on, which ok was rich coming from him as he wore shades a lot but still he wondered why.

Are you listening to me Bruno? huh um yeah i'm sorry why are you wearing shades? that stops her no way she's was gonna tell him that listening to him sing All I Ask had made her cry. Well he asks, because the lights in there were giving me a headache she replies and he reaches up and takes her shades off and says fuck and stands up.

Why are you looking at me like that she asks, because i'm pretty sure you're gonna get a black eye and you have a small cut on the corner of your right eye, well shit she thought that bitch with her phone, she had been too steamed about Bruno to feel the hit her eye had taken.

And of course she would feel it throbbing now, he wanted to stop and get her a steak or a bag of frozen peas for her eye and she agrees and Kenny goes into a supermarket and comes back with frozen peas and they head onto McDonalds where they get a mountain of food, man these guys can put it away, Cat just got a chocolate milkshake and sits beside Kenny she was still too pissed with Bruno to sit beside him.

He texts her asking her to sit with him and she texts back no then he texts he misses her come sit beside him and again she texts him no he texts her again and says i'm sorry Kitty Cat forgive me? she sighs and texts back we'll talk when we're alone.

He'd lost his appetite he wanted her beside him but she wouldn't sit beside him dammit, all he wanted now was to get back to the hotel where they were now headed and talk to her, he had seen her pissed off before and the only thing that made him smile a little was the kissing and making up he'd hope they'd soon do she wouldn't be able to put him off, they were sharing the hotel room.

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