11. Surprises Part 1

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the next day

He had been working on his plan that had come to him last night and all morning since Cat had left, all she knew was to be here at 7pm tonight, everything was now set for tonight he was glad it was her day off he hadn't wanted her with him while he'd been shopping.

He was nervous about how tonight would go, he has something to ask her.

She had just finished having lunch at her apartment with Bruno's sisters and sister in law they're sitting laughing when they hear the buzzer  and Cat goes and answers it to be told by a man he has a delivery for her, not more flowers she thought heading to the door from Bruno surely, he had sent her a huge bouquet of yellow roses earlier and sends them to her on her days off ever since finding out they are her favourite flower she answers the door and the delivery man hands her a large bag that says Versace on it she takes it and signs for it and holds out money she has taken out of her pocket to tip him and he tells her no thank you that's already been taken care of, which is the same reply she gets whenever she tries to tip the guys delivering her flowers.

She closes the door and heads back to the girls who call out oooh Versace let's see what you got girl.

She puts the bag down and takes out 3 boxes, she opens the big one and takes out a short purple dress with a tight body and flare bottom with spaghetti straps then opens the smaller box which has a pair of black open toe sandals with kitten heels, then opens the smallest box which has a small black clutch bag in it and the girls all ooh and ahh and say how gorgeous they are and ask her when'd she go shopping.

She's about to tell them she didn't when her phone rings the caller ID shows it's Bruno calling and she answers and he asks her if she got the flowers he sent she tells him yes they are beautiful thanks and then he asks if she got the dress, bag and shoes she tells him yes a few minutes ago they are beautiful too thank you baby he says good wear them for me tonight Kitty Cat she can't say no to him and agrees he tells her great can't wait to see you tonight she tells him me too then Tiara shouts out tell my bro to go away which they all laugh at and Bruno tells Cat to tell Tiara that's never gonna happen, Cat rolls her eyes and passes the message on and tells him they had just finished having lunch he says ok go have fun with em but don't believe anything bad they say about me which makes her laugh they both say I love you which has the girls saying awww and hang up and she tells the girls that he bought her the dress, shoes and bag to which Tahiti says I never knew my brother had such good taste in womens clothing.

They hanged for another hour talking about what Bruno had sent her and the fact she loves him and they tell her they are happy for them both, the girls leave which leaves Cat time for a nap before she gets ready for her date later she didn't understand why Bruno wants her dressed up, they weren't going out he'd told her he was going to cook dinner for them.... so what was the man up to? she wondered.

She got to Bruno's 5 minutes late but when she saw him all she could think was damn the man was too damn sexy for his own good and hers.

He couldn't take his eyes off her she looks amazing and had left her hair down just the way he likes it, he wanted her now fuck dinner he takes a deep breath no he had everything planned he could wait, painfully but he would wait.

She apologises for being late and he tells her don't worry about it baby i'm glad your here and kisses her deeply and he pulls back and tells her she looks wonderful, he takes her hand and kisses it then leads her into the family room which has the lights down low and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with 2 glasses waiting to be filled on the table and Barry White playing, he opens the champagne and pours them a glass and hands her 1 and they talk about how her afternoon with the girls had gone and she asks him what he got up to that day and he says ohhh just a little bit of shopping making her laugh.

I hope you all have had yourselves a Merry Little Christmas <3

stay tuned I will post part 2 either later tonight or tomorrow mwah

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