15. Moving In

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The next day

He wakes up wondering where she is they had decided to stay at Cat's apartment last night and he had helped her pack up her things, she had movers coming at 9am to take what she was going to go with them to put into storage and he was going to take what she was moving in with him in the SUV that Kenny was going to pick him up in at 9am man it was all happening today it was great.

She walks into the bedroom with coffee and pop tarts and sees Bruno is awake staring at the wall grinning she shakes her head he had been grinning the whole time last night packing her things up too.

She walks into his line of sight and sees him blink and smile wider she laughs here you go sunshine she says handing him a cup of coffee and sits on the side of the bed and places the plate of pop tarts between them.

She was putting their empty cups on top of the plate ready to take them into the kitchen when he puts his hand on her arm and stops her.

I like the reason why you call me sunshine but please don't call me that in front of anyone especially my band i'll never live it down he tells her.

She couldn't help but laugh at the expression on his face and replies ok I won't.

It had been a great day Cat had moved in with him and they had just finished performing on the AMA's and all the guys were buzzed from it and Bruno was relieved that all his hard work learning the dance he had done for the first time live had went without a hitch.

It had been decided that they were all gonna go to a club they wanted to party hooligan style.

They are in the VIP section laughing, joking and dancing, having a good time downing shots when a waitress comes over with a bottle of champagne with a note for Bruno which reads ''Bruno you did so well tonight i'm so proud of you from ''yours truly''.

She was going to beat that bitch ''yours truly'' when she got her hands on her there was no if but when, Cat spoke to the other bodyguards and goes after the waitress who had brought the champagne and note to Bruno and speaks to the bar staff about who had bought the champagne but they couldn't help her the club was too busy, they hadn't given who had bought it a second glance.

She wasn't taking chances she had one of the bar men throw the bottle of champagne away who knows what ''yours truly'' might have put in it and keeps the note to give to the police.

The guys stay another hour and Cat scans the crowd in the club looking for someone who is looking at Bruno which didn't help because there were lots of women looking at him with lust in their eyes, she couldn't blame them.

Why couldn't she see one who just looked plain crazy?

She practically has to carry Bruno from the car to their bedroom when they get home from the club he was so drunk but he was a funny drunk, once she has him on the bed and manages to get out of his arms she takes his shoes and jacket off then goes and gets him a bottle of water and 2 tylenol which she places on his night stand for him because he was gonna have a hell of a hangover, she turns to hear him saying hey hey hey he's standing wobbly on the other side of the bed doing a hula dance and almost falling over his own feet which cracks her up, she goes to him putting her arm around his back and helps him back into bed and he has his arms around her and refuses to let her go until she kisses him when she does, he lets her go and she gets ready for bed and joins him he was sleeping already she kisses his shoulder and runs her fingers through his curls, she was worried she has a feeling ''yours truly'' was getting closer and they had no idea who she was or what she looks like.

She really wants to kick that bitches ass.

stay tuned guys i'm going to post the next chapter either later tonight or tomorrow mwah

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