10. Revelations Part 2

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They were in each others arms kissing and she lets everything she was feeling pour into their kiss they are interupted by loud knocking and banging on the family room doors they ignore it until they hear the hooligans shout can we come in now? can we? c'mon!and then Eric shouts put her down bro! which broke them apart breathing a little heavy she was laughing and Bruno was glaring at the door when they hear Kam say fuck it guys we're going in! and they open the doors and come in grinning at them followed by Ryan who looks nervous and all Cat can think is yeah you should be nervous.

Phil tells the guys quit it you fools they had been hugging themselves making kissing noises and damned if Cat wasn't amused by them but she also felt a little embarassed and wonder how much they had heard, her thoughts are interupted when Ryan comes forward and standing right in front of her says you were right I shouldn't have waited so long with the letters i'm sorry and he looks at Bruno and tells him i'm sorry bro and turns back to Cat and asks so we good.

Cat turns to Bruno and says i'm sorry but I just gotta do this which confuses the hell outta him and he asks her for what? for this she says turning and she punches Ryan in the face which has him stumbling back and his nose bleeding she looks at Ryan and says I just had to do that and no we're not good but that definitely helped he says fuck that hurt are you planning on hitting me again any time soon? she tells him only if you do something that stupid again to piss me off in the mean time i'd suggest keeping your distance from me.

Bruno was stunned she'd actually punched Ryan knocking him back and busting his nose damn what a woman he has he thinks grinning.

She sees Bruno grinning and asks him why are you grinning like a fool? and he tells her because you love me and throw one hell of a punch he turns to the guys saying y'all see that?

They nod at him and are giving Cat wary looks she rolls her eyes at them and Jam comes to her and hugs her and says that was a killa punch wild Cat!

Bruno tells Jam to get away from his woman before he punches him which makes all the guys laugh and he says aight you guys did Ryan tell y'all what's going on? the guys all nod yes he says good listen up Cat is gonna tell y'all the new security protocols.

She explains all the new security protocols and tells them she will tell the rest of the bodyguards and she answers questions from the guys when they are done she turns to Bruno and tells him the next step is to contact the police and report the letters and if they are lucky they will get the person who wrote them finger prints off them and hopefully they'll have a police record he nods in agreement and she calls the cops and is told they are on their way.

The guys are all sitting in the kitchen eating chips and drinking soda when Cat and Bruno walk in Phil walks over to her and hands her an ice pack for her knuckles which look red and swollen from punching Ryan she thanks him and tells Ryan if anymore letters come take them straight to the police then says ok I wanna say something for the record she turns to Bruno and tells him I love you ridiculously which has the guys sniggering she turns and silences them with a glare and turns back to Bruno and says i'll catch a bullet for you, i'll catch a blade for you but if I see a grenade coming at you i'm grabbing you and running like fuck but i'll be damned if i'm gonna be jumping in front of a train for you which has all the guys cracking up.

The guys think she's joking but she's not she would die to protect Bruno.

Bruno had froze listening to what she said, the thought of her being hurt or killed because of him was unbearable it was like a knife to his heart and scared the shit out of him because he'd seen it in her eyes and heard it in her voice that she meant every word, the woman he loved wasn't playing.

He hoped and prayed that the threats were empty ones.

hahaha poor Ryan do you think Cat was right to punch him? I hope you guys enjoy the new plot line and where it's going to go xxx

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