4. Pop pop it's showtime!

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2 weeks later

Things have changed so much in 2 weeks, he and Cat are together and they've had dates but not in public and Bruno's learned more about Cat but she won't spend the night at his place as she doesn't want his other bodyguards to know they're a couple, at least not yet and it was as they were told the other day by his bandmate John that them being together was the worst kept secret as far as his band is concerned and thankfully Kenny had been outside playing with Geronimo during that conversation and although he understands why she won't, he wants Cat to stay every night with him, hell, he wants her to move in with him but he knows she isn't ready for that yet and Bruno knows that Cat is worried about his other bodyguards possibly treating her differently because they're together and he gets that, but hiding their relationship is fucking hard.

He can't wait for tonight because tonight he's dropping the first single from his 3rd album called 24k Magic which he's also named the album and Bruno feels nervous and excited about it and he's looking forward to finding out what his fans the hooligans think of it, they've waited nearly 4 years for this album and he hopes they like it, nah, fuck that, he wants them to love it.

This album is different to his last 2 albums because it's got a 90's RnB sound influenced by the music he grew up listening to and loving and with this album he wants to get people moving, dancing and having fun and he's looking forward to touring and getting to dance more on stage with these new songs and sing the shit out of them.

It feels good to be here with his band, just chilling here in his home before the madness of promoting his new single and album all over the world and then a world tour that Bruno hopes people will enjoy as much as his last 2 world tours.

Cat knows the guys are all nervous, happy but nervous to find out how people and all the hooligans will react to the new single and album, it's a great album and Cat feels privileged to get to hear it and proud of Bruno who's an amazing man, he's so damn patient with her and yes he gets frustrated with the fact she won't spend the night with him, but she wasn't ready for the other bodyguards to look at her and treat her differently because she's with their boss and she doesn't know that when it gets out that she and Bruno are involved if she'll be able to work for him anymore and she's talked about that with Bruno and as far as he's concerned her working for him is perfect as they get to see each other and be with each other everyday and they wouldn't have to be apart when he's on the road and he'd feel safer since there are so many after his carrot and she'd rolled her eyes at him on that one plus he said he'd put bodyguards on her which is crazy and Bruno had told her that some of his fans are very territorial and had threatened his ex and he doesn't want her to be in danger because of him but she'd assured him she can and was more than able to take care of herself and him but Cat knows it's a worry for him.

He looks at the time on his phone for what feels like the millionth time tonight and Bruno sees that it's almost 8pm and he groans, he can't take it anymore, he's had enough, he can't wait any longer and he tells his band, fuck it fellas, i'm dropping the single now and he grabs his laptop from beside his chair and he drops the single and video for 24k Magic and Bruno opens up his social media and 5 mins later twitter, instagram, youtube and facebook are going crazy mad with comments, all good ones so far and just like him his band cheer and holler, he feels so damn happy and relieved and Bruno goes and grabs 6 bottles of champagne and Phil comes out with a tray of champagne glasses and once they all have a glass of champagne Bruno tells his band, here we go again, get ready mother fuckers and his band laugh and drink and he looks at Cat who has been looking at his laptop and Bruno goes over to her and offers her a glass of champagne and she tells him she can't because she's on duty and she tells him how happy and proud she is of him and that from the comments she's read on his laptop people are loving 24k Magic and Bruno smiles and moves closer to Cat and tells her quietly, thanks, I really want to kiss you right now and Cat pulls away from him and tells him quietly, me too, but we can't, Kenny's here and Bruno feels disappointed and frustrated and Cat tells him, i'll make it up to you later when we're alone and Bruno can't wait for everyone to leave.

At 11pm his band leaves and Bruno tells Kenny to take off too while Cat's taking Geronimo for a walk and when she gets back he's waiting at the door for her and she's no sooner walked in when he pushes her up against the door and kisses her and Geronimo walks away from them and Cat pushes him away and looks around and Bruno knows she's looking for Kenny and he tells her, relax, i've sent Kenny home, it's just you, me and G here Kitty Cat.

She starts to move away from the door and Bruno starts kissing her again, he's tipsy which just makes him sound even sexier which shouldn't be possible Cat thinks as their kiss goes on and the heat that's always between them turns into an inferno, they never seem to get enough of each other.

He wishes he could slow down but he can't, Bruno feels too turned on and he can't wait to be inside Cat again and he pulls her shorts and panties down and Cat kicks them off and he strokes her pussy and slips two of his fingers inside her hot wet heat as they kiss and he kisses his way down her neck and sucks her nipples through her t shirt and he pulls back from her and Cat moans and Bruno unzips his jeans and he takes hold of his aching, hard dick and thrusts it into her pussy hard and he thrusts in and out of her deep and fast and he pulls Cat's top and bra up and licks and kisses her breasts and he bites and sucks her nipples.

She pulls Bruno's hair and holds a fistful of it tightly as he bombards all her senses, she can only see, feel and hear him and their moans of pleasure and their breathing is erratic and Cat kisses and sucks Bruno's left ear and the coiled heat in her lower stomach explodes and she digs her nails into Bruno's shoulders through his t shirt and screams his name as she comes and Bruno shouts I love you as he comes.

They stayed joined together against the front door, they're a breathless, sweaty mess and still they kiss and touch and Cat wonders if she and Bruno will ever get enough of each other.

They come out of their sex haze and head straight to the shower, they're both tired but that doesn't stop him from asking Cat to stay after their shower and she yawns and tells him, ok, i'll stay and Bruno's surprised that Cat's agreed to stay with him and Cat tells him, don't look so shocked, i'm too damn tired to get into it with you again about me not spending the night with you and he laughs and kisses Cat and they go to bed and Bruno watches Cat as she sets the alarm on her phone for 5am and he asks her, why so early and she tells him, it gives me plenty of time to get home and shower before I come back here and although he's not happy about her leaving so early, he's damn happy that Cat's staying with him longer than usual and Bruno smiles as he falls asleep with the woman he loves in his arms.

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