25. Christmas day Part 2

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It had been a great day everyone was stuffed from eating so much and all the kids were tired out and sleeping in the play room and Cat, Bruno, his family and her mom and uncle Tony were in the family room talking and laughing in between singing Christmas carols.

He can't wait any longer and Bruno gets up from the sofa and holds his left hand out for Cat which she takes and he pulls her gently up and leads her to the middle of the room where he raises his voice to be heard and he asks everyone to be quiet.

He turns to Cat and takes both her hands in his and Bruno swallows hard and asks her, do you remember when I sent you the Versace Cat says  yes and Bruno smiles and tells her, well I didn't just shop for that and flowers for you that day.

I am madly in love with you Cat, you make me so happy, you make me smile, you make me laugh, I love being with you, I love everything about you, you're all I want now and forever and Bruno stops and lets go of Cat's hands and he gets down on one knee and pulls out a small red box from the pocket on his shirt and he opens it to reveal a beautiful large heart shaped diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds and he holds out the box to Cat and asks her, will you marry me.

She smiles and Cat tells Bruno, I am so deeply in love with you, you make me so happy, I love everything about you too, you opened my heart to love again, I love every inch of you, you are my sunshine, my moon and my stars and i'd love to marry you Bruno,

He feels so damned happy and Bruno stands up and he grins and puts the engagement ring on Cat's ring finger on her left hand and he kisses it and everyone says aww and Bruno kisses Cat deeply and stops as everyone comes over to congratulate them.

They are celebrating with champagne and Bruno's sisters and sister in law start talking about planning the wedding, offering their help and ideas and Cat laughs and tells them thanks, i'll let you know, I just want to enjoy being engaged for a little while.

Once everyone has gone home they lie on the sofa and both agree that they want an intimate wedding with just their family and close friends there and Bruno tells Cat, I don't want a long engagement, I want to marry you asap and Cat smiles and tells him, good and Bruno starts singing I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go and Cat laughs and tells him, maybe.

They decide to get married on the beach in Hawaii on 12th February so they can have a honeymoon before Bruno starts his world tour which means they need to start arranging their wedding asap.

Later in bed Bruno watches Cat sleep, he feels on top of the world that Cat agreed to marry him and he's going to make it his mission in life to make her as happy as she makes him.

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