9. Revelations Part 1

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2 weeks later in Bruno's home

It was good to be home and get to chill a little in between performances, more rehearsing, doing private shows and spending time with Cat what was getting him down and pissing him off was the amount of hate Cat was getting online because they were together.

He had been rehearsing with the band who were now eating in the kitchen he, Cat and Kenny were waiting in the family room for Ryan who'd called and said he needed to talk to them they'd all got the same call, no explanation or clue as to why he wanted to speak to them so they waited and heard the gates open and knew he had arrived.

He walks in with a large brown envelope and Geronimo runs to him Ryan rubs his head and says good you're all here we need to talk.

What's this about man? Bruno asks.

Ryan holds the envelope up and says it's about these letters that have been coming since you're first date with Cat theres 20 of them.

I thought they were just from a fan venting their jealousy about you two but they have gotten really bitchy at you Cat and threatening towards you Bruno and they are all signed ''from yours truly'' while he's saying this Cat opens the envelope and reads through the letters and passes them to Bruno.

Cat had read through the letters and had an ice cold pit of fear for Bruno being possibly in danger or of him being hurt or killed was unthinkable and had a burning rage running through her.

She didn't hear what Bruno, Ryan and Kenny were saying she looks at Bruno and thought of all the time they had spent together and feels what she never thought she would feel again, love.

She loved Bruno her guarded heart was now full of him, belonged to him and it scared her but it came nowhere near the fear she had for him from what she had read in those letters from a very disturbed, obsessed and possibly dangerous fan.

Bruno had been calling her name but she was just sitting there looking at him with a look of anger and something else he doesn't know what that look in her eyes was, he's about to call her name again when she stands up and turns to Ryan.

Cat moves toward Ryan and yells at him, you are a stupid son of a bitch Ryan! and you should have come forward with these fucking letters sooner! but no you wait until you have 20 fucking letters before saying something? What is wrong with you? you idiot! the first letter that came threatening Bruno is when you should have come to him with these!

Why the hell have you waited so long you moron?!

What kind of fucking assistant are you?

And you are one of Bruno's best friends what the fuck is wrong with you?!

She wants to hit him so fucking bad and Bruno pulls her away from Ryan and tells her to calm down it's ok and just like that she turns to him and on him.

Oh so it's ok for him not to say a fucking word when you are being threatened?

I need to calm down? really?

Are you going to stand there and tell me you're not pissed?

That these letters and the threats in them against you don't bother you?

He knows there is something else going on here with Cat he doesn't know what but he's going to find out and without taking his eyes off her he tells Ryan and Kenny to leave them and close the doors behind them.

He tries to take her hands but she pulls away from him and starts talking about new security protocols that should be put in place he just watches her pissed that she had pulled away from him and steps forward and tries to take her hands again and when he feels her pulling them from him again he holds on tight and tells her not again, don't pull away from me, talk to me, tell me what else other than the threats is going on with you.

She stops she had wanted time, time to get used to feeling love again and being in love with him she had so many emotions running through her and a paralyzing fear of losing someone else that she loves.

He couldn't take her silence anymore and says i'm not talking about the damn letters or upping security until you fucking talk to me! dammit Cat!

Don't be stupid this is serious what the fuck is it with you and Ryan?

The damn threats may be empty ones but you don't know that!

We don't know who the hell wrote and sent them or how far they are willing to go!

You need to take this seriously! Please!

She didn't even realise she was crying until he wipes her tears away.

You are taking it seriously enough for me Cat he tells her and asks why the tears?

Why are you so afraid?

She looks at him and tells him because I fucking love you Bruno!

I didn't know I loved you until I read those letters!

And I can't handle the thought of you being hurt or k-killed I couldn't handle that that's why I feel so fucking scared for you!

He takes her in his arms and strokes her back and kisses her head and he pulls back until there faces are almost touching and looks her in the eyes and tells her nothing is going to happen to me Kitty Cat i've got great security and i've got you and I trust you with my heart, body, soul and with my life.

Please don't cry anymore and don't worry I'll be fine, i'll be careful and up security, whatever you want.

She takes a deep breath and looks at him to see him grinning at her and narrows her eyes at him.

You think my crying is funny?

Something to be smiling and happy about?

No of course not you've made me feel the happiest man in the world, now tell me again baby.

Tell you what you crazy damn hooligan?

Tell me you love me Cat.

She tells him again that she loves him and he tells her you have no idea how much i've wanted to hear you say that to me or how i've prayed for you to love me back, to love me the way that I love you.

Hey guys so what do you think? mmmm pretty big chapter so i've split it into 2 parts hope you enjoy it xxx

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