23. Christmas Eve

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3 weeks later

She was tired of being cooped up and fussed over by everyone especially Bruno but she kept silent not wanting to hurt anyones feelings especially his she knew how he worried over her.

She had found out that all she had to do to stop getting hate online about being with Bruno was to take a bullet for him now she got messages of thanks, support and love and his hooligans now called her Bruno's angel or the hooligans angel which she hadn't understood until she saw what he had posted online and had called her his angel when she had been in hospital.

She was no angel she was horny as hell and couldn't wait to be able to make love with Bruno again.

She finally had the home gym the way she wanted it thanks to online shopping and Bruno, Phil and Eric who were just finishing putting the gym equipment where she wanted it thanks to Bruno face timing with her.

She tries to duck out of sight but Bruno sees her and frowns looking worried and calls out why aren't you resting, go lie down baby.

She walks into the gym no point in hiding now and replies because I wanted to see, i'm ok she replies and hugs Phil and Eric who come over to her and thanks them for doing this nodding to the gym and they tell her no problem and Bruno comes over and asks what about me pouting.

She rolls her eyes and smiles and pulls him to her and kisses him and thanks him when she pulls back.

She tells them she's made sandwiches and coffee and there are chocolate muffins that Tiara had brought over that are waiting for them and they smile and follow her into the kitchen.

Although she's able to move around now lifting anything or raising her arms was painful and she tired very easily, and sitting hurt although her chest was better than it had been it just ached now rather than the constant burning throb that it had been but her doctor had said that was normal.

They had just finished eating in the kitchen when Bruno tells her you should be resting not making us lunch.

I am and have been taking it easy and resting and hey notice how you have to eat in here because I can't and didn't lift anything out of here? it's the least I could do for you guys she tells him.

He didn't want her doing anything but rest and heal and decided since she looked tired but ok  and not to push the matter.

He couldn't stop worrying about her, he couldn't get the image of her in hospital fighting for her life from a bullet meant for him out of his head.

He couldn't forget the moment he had realised she had been shot and her blood soaking into his t shirt or being in the hospital waiting room praying that she would live and being scared to death that he might lose the woman he loves.

They finish lunch and Phil, Eric and Bruno thank her and clear the table she was tired and in pain and goes and takes her pain killers and turns to see Bruno watching her worriedly she sighs and walks over to him and cups his face and tells him c'mon now a guy like you should never look so blue and kisses him and turns to the guys and tells them i've enjoyed hanging with you fellas I hope you have yourselves a Merry little Christmas day tomorrow.

I need to lie down and sleep now she tells them and they come over to her and hug her and kiss her cheek and tell her they enjoyed it too and hope she has a wonderful Christmas and to take it easy she smiles and kisses Bruno once more before leaving them and going to bed.

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