2. Should I stay or go?

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4 weeks later

Bruno and his band are in the studio working on his 3rd album and Cat has learned that Bruno is funny, kind, caring , sweet, easy going guy but he's also hard working, dedicated, driven and a perfectionist with his music and he drives her crazy, he oozes sex and those damn dimples of his are lethal and his hands, eyes, his laugh and mouth, damn, she has to stop thinking about Bruno, he's her boss and her golden rule is to never ever get involved with a colleague or boss and Cat has never been tempted to break her golden rule before and for Bruno's sake she can't get involved with him.

Bruno is frustrated as hell, every day he sees Cat and he just wants to dance with her, kiss her and make love with her, he's gotten to know Cat but she only really talks to him, lets him see her fun side when his band is around but when they're alone together which he tries to make happen as much as possible it's like she puts a wall up between them and he doesn't understand why, there's heat, plenty of chemistry between them, more than he's ever felt with anyone else, he wants her more than he's ever wanted anyone.

He'd learned that Cat's funny, sweet, sassy and feisty and she loves chocolate milkshakes, pizza and action films and hates chick flicks and her favourite tv show is NCIS LA and her favourite colour is purple and he wears his shades when she's around so he can look at her without her knowing because when he looks into her beautiful brown eyes he gets lost in them, he's crazy about Cat and Bruno wonders what he can do or say to get past that damn wall she keeps putting up between them.

Hey B c'mon man we almost got this wake up Phil tells him and Bruno yawns and tells Phil, ok, chill, I wasn't sleeping, I was just resting my eyes and Phil laughs and tells him, whatever B and Bruno gets up from his chair and he stretches and he hopes they can fix this damn melody they keep taking a wrong turn on it and he knows it can be great if he can just fix it.

Cat and Kenny who is Bruno's other bodyguard are playing go fish which she's won for the 3rd time now and Kenny is not a good loser and Cat tells him to hate the game not the player, keep up and Bruno asks her as he runs over to her, what did you just say to Kenny and Cat feels confused and Bruno asks her again what she said and she tells him and he smiles at her nodding away then he grabs her hands and tells her that's it, fuck that's it and he lets go of her hands and runs over to his band all excited and Cat wonders what the fuck that was all about.

Then Bruno starts singing and she hears him sing keep up, then playas only put yo pinky rings up to the moon and Cat starts listening and she smiles, damn she managed to help Bruno out, she knows that song has been driving him nuts and when he finishes singing he and the guys are so damn happy and look relieved and he comes over to her and he picks her up and twirls around with her and he stops, lets her go and thanks her and she tells him he's welcomed and that she's glad she helped without even trying and Bruno laughs, kisses her on the cheek and tells her not to sell her self short.

The guys finish up and they all leave at midnight to go home at last and once they get to Bruno's house she's ready to leave when he tells her that he wants to talk to her and he shows her into the lounge where they sit and he asks her since her trial period is over if she'll stay and he knows the guys razz her a bit because she's the only woman around and a bodyguard to boot but they don't mean any harm or disrespect which she knows and Cat tells him that and that she'll stay on if that's what he wants and Bruno smiles and tells her, that's what I want and then he just looks at her and he asks her to go out with him for dinner.

Cat is surprised she knows they are attracted to each other but she can't go out with Bruno and she tells him that and he asks her why and she tells him because I don't go out with colleagues or my boss and Bruno looks disappointed but Cat does not want to cross that line, she knows Bruno's a dangerous man and it had nothing to do with his money, he's dangerous to her heart that she had lost 3 years ago.

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