17. Getting Closer

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the next day

He wakes up spooning Cat from behind, he was horny he caresses her arm, hip, stomach and breasts as he kisses her shoulder and neck and moves his hand slowly down her body to her centre and strokes her, he feels her move and she moans his name, she tries to turn and he stops her she turns her head and he kisses her slow and deep and feels her getting wetter for him and he grinds against her making them both moan, he stops stroking her and lifts her leg up pulling it back and resting it over his and enters her slowly never breaking their kiss and he keeps his thrusts slow and deep and pulls his lips from hers to give them both a chance to breath he feels her hand reaching for him and links their hands together she tells him more baby give it to me and he thrusts faster inside her and kisses and bites her shoulder making her gasp their breathing was heavy and she contracts her muscles around him which he loves he couldn't hold back much longer he was so close he moves their joint hands to her center and rubs her and whispers come for me baby she comes crying out his name and he lets go thrusting faster into her and comes shouting I love you.

They had gone back to sleep and woken up, showered and gotten ready for the day which was easier said than done since Bruno tries his best to tempt and convince her to have a lazy day in bed with him but she tells him forget it you had me this morning at god knows what time and again in the shower so cool your jets boy because it just aint happening which makes him laugh and groan.

They went shopping for groceries after breakfast which had taken over 3 hours between paparazzi taking photos and shouting out questions which Bruno ignored and fans stopping Bruno for autographs and photos which he obliged but Cat didn't mind he loved meeting his fans but it was ''yours truly'' that made her wary and cautious and the fact that any of the girls that approached him could be her and might attack him so she stayed close to him, alert and watchful of the girls ready to move if they tried anything and Kenny, Jamal and Diego did the same and flanked them.

They had gotten home to find a white envelope taped to the gate from ''yours truly'' it had the usual threats against Bruno and hate towards Cat inside it and a photo of them with Cat's face scratched out they called the cops who came and after viewing the security tapes that only showed what appeared to be a skinny white girl around 5 foot 7 in a grey hoody with the hood up wearing a black hat  and a scarf wrapped around the bottom half of her face wearing blue skinny jeans and white sneakers and black gloves, they obviously would not be able to identify her, the bitch may be crazy but she was smart.

The cops took a copy of the tape and the envelope, letter and photo and told them the usual that they shouldn't hesitate to contact them if they receive anything else from ''yours truly'' and they'd be in touch once forensics had examined and tested the note and envelope.

This was the first time that ''yours truly'' had hand delivered a letter whether or not it was the first time she had come to their home they didn't know but Bruno was worried and concerned not for himself but for Cat, seeing her face scratched out in the photo had scared him and instead of enjoying the day with him she was watching all the security tapes for the month that they had as they were taped over on the 1st of every month, Bruno wished this bitch would leave them the fuck alone.

She spent the rest of the day with Kenny watching the tapes and they saw nothing out of the ordinary and they had viewed todays tape over and over and over again hoping to see something, anything that they hadn't seen before this bitch was driving her crazy, Bruno finally comes and tells them it's 9pm guys give it up and come eat Cat refuses but he turns the video feed off and tells her enough already you need to eat and rest if there was anything to see you would have by now c'mon I got pizza he takes her by the hand and practically drags her into the kitchen and sits her down at the breakfast bar where Kenny has started eating without them he says thanks Bruno inbetween bites and Bruno tells him no problem man and grabs bottles of beer for them all then grabs a slice of pizza and puts it on a plate and places it in front of Cat and says eat, then gets himself a plate and a slice of pizza and sits beside her.

They all ate in silence Cat hadn't realised she was hungry and eats almost 3 slices of pizza she hadn't ate the tuna sandwiches that Bruno had brought her and Kenny earlier but had drank the coffee he'd brought gratefully, man she was tired.

After eating as much as they could Kenny leaves and all she wants to do is sleep her eyes hurt from watching all the tapes and she has a headache and feels stiff and sore from sitting so long.

He can see how tired she is and seeing her rub her temples Bruno guesses she has a headache and takes a bottle of water and 2 tylenol to her which she thanks him for and takes without hesitation and he tells her it's time for bed and holds his hand out which she takes and once in their bedroom she strips and gets into bed naked and falls asleep straight away not feeling when he joins her and takes her in his arms and kisses her goodnight.

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