16. Trouble

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1 week later Bruno & Cat's home

He was happy and content having Cat live with him he had his wish, she was the last thing he saw when he went to sleep at night and the first he sees when he wakes up in the morning.

The only problem was ''your truly'' he had thought since she'd sent him that nice note with the champagne to him at the club last week that maybe she had come to her senses, gotten a grip of herself and some professional help but no two days later and the letters started coming again and they were anything but nice he was beyond sick of the bitch and the worry and stress she was putting Cat through.

It had been a smooth transition for them living together the only thing was that he wanted her to put some of her in what was their home now he'd told her she could redecorate, buy new furniture if she wanted but she had declined saying the decor was great no reason to change it unless he wanted to which he didn't but he had an idea about one room she might be interested in.

They are cuddled up on the sofa listening to Prince and he decided no time like now to ask her Bruno thought.

Hey i've been thinking she looks at him and replies forget it i'm surprised I can walk today after last night so you can just keep it in your pants mister he laughs shaking his head and replies not THAT damn woman I do think of things to do with you other than sex, no I was thinking since your the only one that uses the home gym that maybe you want to redecorate it, um get more gym stuff for it, make it yours.

She was surprised but she likes the idea and replies ok I wouldn't mind getting more equipment for it and rearranging it.

He smiles he was glad and replies good i'll give you 1 of my credit cards get whatever you want for it baby.

She sits up and pulls away from him and looking at him replies I don't need or want your money I have my own which i'll use to get more gym equipment!

Hey relax I don't mind paying he tells her.

I do mind! i'm not with you because you are famous or have money i'm with you because I love you for you! not because of what you do or what you have or your fame or money! and for your information other than what i've saved over the years and from money i've made from investments my grandmother left me 5 million dollars in her will so I will pay for the damn gym equipment!

He's shocked and he can see he has obviously offended and upset her which he never intended or wanted to do hell his exes had had no qualms about spending his money but he wasn't stupid to tell Cat that, that would just piss her off more and he had to remember she was nothing like his exes, she never asked him for anything other than his time when he was free.

He jumps up when she growls at him and walks out, he goes after her and catches up with her in the kitchen and tells her i'm sorry ok.

If you want to pay then go ahead Kitty Cat c'mon don't be mad at me.

She sighs and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and takes a long drink then tells him Bruno you know I can't stay mad at you but seriously don't ever try to give me money again I have my own plus I work for you which you pay me well for, I don't need you to buy me expensive things either, give me flowers, chocolates, hell buy me pizza or ice cream, make me coffee, make a romantic dinner for us, take me to the movies or out to dinner or text me! as long as you give them and do it with thought, care and love that's priceless to me.

He goes to her and puts his hands on her waist and looks in her eyes and says ok I get it I won't offer you money again he kisses her lips softly and pulling back says in a girly voice admit it you just love me for my body which makes her laugh he was relieved to make her laugh and leans his head against hers and says so are we good now. I love you and I really am sorry.

She looks into his eyes she could lose herself in them, lose herself in him, it was crazy the way he makes her feel, how much she loves him which still scares her but not as much as it used to, she sighs and replies I love you too and yeah we're good now.

Happy New Year everyone I hope 2017 is a good year for you xxx

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