3. Confrontation

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Cat has been avoiding him and it's pissing him off, she shouldn't be able to avoid him like this damn it, she works for him, he sees her every fucking day yet she manages to pull 1 of the guys in when he tries to talk to her and when he's home for the rest of the day or night she leaves when Kenny does and he's tried calling and texting her but she keeps telling him the same thing, that what they need to talk about needs to be done face to face. He misses her dammit, he wants her to sleep beside him and wake up beside her, fuck, he really needs to sleep but he hasn't been sleeping well since the day after they'd had sex and Cat started freezing him out and avoiding him and Bruno yawns and thinks, i've had enough of this shit, he's going to see Cat and whether she wants to or not, they're damn well going to talk.

He was feeling frustrated and angry as he drove to Cat's and now that he's standing in front of her door he feels nervous and Bruno knows he has to try and stay calm and he rings Cat's door bell and she opens the door wearing black shorts and a purple vest and he can't take his eyes off her, she looks so damn good and without a word Cat pulls him inside and looks up and down her corridor and she closes the door, turns to him and asks him, why are you here and where is Kenny.

He can tell that Cat is surprised to see him and from the look on her face and the tone of her voice he can tell she's annoyed and worried, she's worried about him which means she cares and just like that he doesn't feel nervous anymore and Bruno grins, he'd thought it was going to be a battle to get Cat to let him in and he laughs out loud which has Cat narrowing her eyes at him and he stops laughing and tells her, i'm here because i've had enough of you avoiding me and not talking to me and I came over here without even thinking about calling Kenny and Cat shakes her head at him and tells him, that's crazy, you know you can't go anywhere in public without security and the time to talk just hasn't happened yet and Bruno moves closer to Cat and tells her, bullshit, it's been a week since we had sex and you're running from me, us or yourself, I don't fucking know but I can't take it anymore, I miss you, I need you.

He had known this wouldn't be easy and Cat asks him, so you came over here for a booty call and without thinking Bruno grabs Cat's shoulders and tells her angrily, no damn it and that's demeaning to both of us, you know or damn well should know fucking better, I haven't looked or wanted another woman from the moment I saw you and he asks her, can you tell me you don't want me, can you tell me that last week meant nothing to you and he shakes Cat's shoulders and tells her, if you can tell me I mean nothing to you Cat and mean it, then i'll leave you alone and Bruno feels like kicking his own ass because as soon those last words had left his mouth he'd known it was a lie, he wouldn't be able to leave Cat alone.

He can tell that Cat is uncomfortable and she tells him, I'm sorry ok, you're right about all of it, i'm not proud of myself for avoiding you but i've been trying to figure out where we go from here, you're my boss, this is new territory for me and Bruno lets go of Cat's shoulders and tells her, well it's new to me too sweetheart and he strokes her jaw and tells her, i've never gotten involved with anyone who works for me before and Cat laughs and tells him, that's because i'm the only woman whose worked for you and Bruno looks into Cat's eyes and tells her, you're wrong, he's held back and was going to keep holding back how he felt about her but he can't anymore and he tells Cat, I love you Cat, I have from the moment we met and shook hands and Cat tells him, no, you can't Bruno please don't and despite the fear he'd heard in her voice Bruno knows he's come to far to stop now and he tells her, i'm head over heels in love with you and I know you're scared of love and i'm scared of losing you, just give me, give us a chance and Bruno puts his hands on Cat's waist, looks into her eyes and tells her, baby I know it hurts to lose people we love, but I also know those i've lost would want me to be happy, whole and to love and be loved and Bruno asks Cat, wouldn't your grandmother want that for you.

She cries knowing Bruno is right and Cat tells him that and that she doesn't know how to love anymore, she doesn't know how to open her heart and Bruno tells her, that's ok we'll take it one step and one day at a time, i'm not going anywhere, you're not alone and he kisses her and wipes her tears away with his thumbs and he leads her over to the sofa and sits down and pulls her onto his lap and holds her stroking her hair and back as she cries and when she stops crying a few minutes later Cat lifts her head up from Bruno's shoulder and looks at him and Bruno cups the back of her neck and kisses her and they kiss like it was the first time and they undress each other as their kiss goes on, it feels like they can't touch each other enough and when they're both naked Cat strokes the hard long length of Bruno's dick while he sucks, bites and licks her breasts and nipples and she straddles him and guides him into her and rides him slowly and they kiss and Bruno grabs her hips picking up the pace, thrusting deeper and harder inside of her until she comes screaming and he comes soon after her and Cat looks at Bruno who looks tired, satisfied and happy, just like her.

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