Chapter Two

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°• Greg •°

"Yo moms.. I'll be back. Im going to head home for awhile."

"Okay baby." She responded as she wiped away her evidence of tears.

I got up and kissed her forehead before I walked out the hospital.

Pops had made a huge turn around and was finally speaking and beginning to walk again. He was attending physical theropy every week and everything was looking up for us.. until we got the news about Shawn.

I walked out of the hospital and got into my car. I started the engine and drove down the road griping the steering wheel in anger. I didnt know what to do. I didnt want to see my mother crying and going through the same situation twice. It hurted me to my soul to see her like this.

I knew there was no way that I could tell her the reason behind what happened to Shawn. She'd kill me knowing that I witheld that kind of information from her. Everything was just spiraling out of control and as bad as it was looking now.. who knows if it could ever be fixed.

A whole month passed and There was no sign of Paula. The police and detectives were on the case heavily but they weren't picking any suspects yet. I didnt know where Paula was but I was hoping she was safe. I knew without a doubt that once she found out about Shawn and Shay, she was going to set it off but I didnt think she would do it like this.

There was no question in my mind that Paula was behind this but.. who was I to blame her. Like they say.. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I pulled up in my driveway and got out. I walked up to the door and unlocked it before I walked in. I flopped down on the sofa and buried my face in my hands.

I took a moment to regroup before I lifted my head again. I had left the hospital to avoid losing my mind in front of moms. Hell one of us had to be strong for the other one.

I pulled out my phone and began dialing a familar number. A number that I dialed so much that it became a favorite on my call log. I knew they could hear and see me calling but I also knew they wouldnt answer.

I hung up the phone and sent a text.

Me: Yo' Paula, please answer my call. I know you see me blowing up yo shit but I need to speak to you. Lets talk this shit out man. nobody's mad at you. We family. Call me back sis. 12:30pm

Me: Paula.. I need to make sure you aight. Im worried sick about you. You dont need to be alone right now. You could be a danger to yourself.. 12:36pm

Me: Okay.. that came out wrong.. look P. call your brother back man. 12:40pm

I threw my phone on the table and walked out the room, heading to the bathroom to hop in the shower and get ready for bed.

As I walked into the room and got into bed, all I could think about was Paula. I really wanted to know where she went and I was going to make it my business to find out sooner than later.

I woke up early the next morning and decided to make my way to the hospital. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before I took a quick shower and got dressed in some tshirt and jeans.

I checked my phone to see if Paula had called back and to no suprise, she didnt. I did however have a call from an unknown number. I didnt pay it any attention at the moment and decided to check it later.

I grabbed a jacket and headed out the door to the car. I stopped by Brulé and picked up some breakfast and two cups of coffee before continuing to the hospital.

I made my way in and headed to the elevator, pushing the button for the fifth floor. When they slid open, I headed down the hall to room 400 and walked in.

"Goodmorning ma." I spoke as I entered.

"Morning baby." She responded.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek as she spoke.

"I brought you some breakfast cause I know you aint ate. How long you been in here woman?" I asked as I handed her the food and a cup of coffee.

"Since about four this morning."

"Dang ma."

"I couldnt sleep."

"How's he doing today."

"Same." She responded as she sipped her coffee.

I went and stood on the bedside.

"I need to run back home for a minute Greg. You think you could stay here and keep a watch on him til I come back?"

"Aint got nowhere to go ma. Go handle your business."

"Okay baby. I'll be right back." She said before grabbing her purse from the chair. "Thank you for the breakfast."

"No problem." I assured her before the door closed completly.

I took off my jacket and slung it in the chair.

"Yo man.. get yo' ass up. You can't leave us hanging like this Shawn. Fuck bro.." I said as I began to speak to him eventhough he couldn't respond. "Man If you knew shit would end up like this, I bet you wouldve never fucked with shorty." I finished as I chuckled a little trying to lighten the mood.

I looked down at my baby brother with all the tubes coming from his mouth and all the machines that were hooked up to his body. I felt myself getting emotional as I listened to the sound of the heart monitor filling the room. The beeping causing my stomach to drop with the thought of it stopping at any given moment.

"Damn Shawn. You gotta pull through bro. Keep pushing man. I'm gonna be right here no matter what."

I went and sat down in the chair and pulled out my phone to try Paula again.

Maybe if I called her enough she'd give in and pick up.. unless she decided to just turn her phone off completly.

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