Chapter Eighteen

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°• Greg •°

Today for me was a chill day. I had finished a full workday and the evening was all mine. The sad thing is.. I didnt have any plans for this afternoon or the weekend.

I walked to my car after leaving the workplace and head back to the house.

I decided to call Jeana and Paula once I got inside the car. For some reason Shawn was on my mind and I figured it was a sign for me to go on and let Paula know he was still alive and kicking. The good thing was I had a whole afternoon and a weekend to chase her ass down if she decided to spazz out.

I closed the door to the driver's side and dialed Jeana's number before I started the engine so it would play throughout the speakers in the car.


"Wassup Jeana."

"Hey Greg."

"What you up too?"

"Umh.. nothing forreal. Something wrong?"

"Nah nah. I was calling to talk to you and Paula but now that I think about it its probably best to say it in person. So I'll just swing by."

"Thats fine but Paula aint here."

"Where'd she go?"

"She went out with De'Wayne. The guy you was telling me about."


"Yeah. He came by and picked her up."

I didnt respond right away.

"Uh.. okay. I'll try to call her."


I hung up the phone with Jeana and dialed Paula's digits.

The dial tone came through the speakers of the car three to four times before it sent me to the voicemail that was full from pervious messages.

I tried calling again as I drove to Jeana's house but she didnt pick up.

I pulled up on the curb and cut the engine off before I got of the car to knock on the door.

I answered Jeana as she asked who it was before she opened the door.

She invited me in.

"Did you talk to Paula?" She asked.

"Nah. She didnt pick up." I said as I sat down.

"What is it that you needed to tell the both of us?"

"Actually it was for Paula. I just needed you around. I went and saw Shawn a few days back and he's really pressing me about telling Paula he alive."

"Well that is some type of information she needs to know."

"You right but ion know how shorty gone take it."

Jeana sat down as she spoke.

"Honestly Greg.. I think her and ole dude getting real close."

I didnt respond.

"They been chilling around eachother alot lately so she might not trip that hard."

"Well on some real shit.. ion even know if I care anymore. I mean, when I tell her whats up, she can go get a divorce or whatever she got to do and her and ole boy can skip through a damn field of grass for all I care."

Jeana laughed.

"You sound so harsh."

"Nah it aint that, this shit just getting old. Im too busy trying to keep other people lives afloat that Im missing out on mine. They two grown ass people. They can figure the shit out like adults."

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