Chapter Twenty One

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I sat at the kitchen table reading through one of my mom's cook books trying to find something new to add to my menu today. It had been some time since I've had some good soulfood cooking plus I was in a chef type of mood. The plan for today was to find a recipe and then head to the store for the ingredients.

As Im flipping through the book, I hear the front door open and close.

"Jeana? You in here?" I heard Paula say.

"In the kitchen."

I heard the click of Paula's heels as she approached the kitchen.

"Hey, Whats up?" She asked sitting down at the table.

"Nothing much trying to find something to cook."

"Where's Tara?"

"She's staying with her friend for the weekend. How did your day go yesterday?" I asked before I stopped flipping.

"It went good.."

"What'd you do, if I may ask."

".. We talked. We got to know eachother better and shared some thoughts."

"Sounds like a date night to me."

" Nah. Nothing like that. On a serious note though, that aint how it started out."

"What happened before then?"

She paused before she spoke.

"I ended up telling De'Wayne that I killed Shawn them."

"What!? Paula.. please tell me you're lying right now."

She shook her head back and forth.


I started back flipping through the book.

"I felt like he needed to know Jeana. I couldnt let him go to jail behind something I did."

"You sure you can trust this man?"

"He said he's not going to snitch. After I helped him out of his bind.. he promised he wouldnt say anything."

"But what makes you so sure Paula? People say one thing and turn around and do another."

"You're right but De'Wayne wouldnt go back on his word."

I stopped flipping again.

"All I hear you saying is De'Wayne this, De'Wayne that.. lets not forget the main focus here."

"Main focus? There is no main focus Jeana."

"Yes there is. The focus is to stay low. You cant expect to do that if you keep speeding through the highways with this guy. I may be wrong and I hope I am but.. something tells me.. you and De'Wayne are getting real close.. and I do mean real close." I said as I stared her down.

She looked back at me.

"Jeana.. De'Wayne and I are just friends."

"Even friends fuck around every now and then."

"Im telling the truth."

"Alright Paula.. but I want you to remember.. you are still a married woman."


I gave her a side eye.

"That aint how the police will see it when they find out you got a new man thats a so called "friend". There'll be no staying low then."

"I get what you're saying Jeana but I wont do anything to land me behind bars."

"I hear you Paula." I said looking through the book again.

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