Chapter Fourteen

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°• Paula •°

After Jeana and I had a little talk or a woman to woman moment. I decided that we needed to give eachother some space.

I called a cab to take me to a rental car place so that I could get my own ride while I was down here. I couldnt even storm out properly if I wanted to, what the hell was I going to run to? A cab? The edge of the sidewalk?

The local cab dropped me off to the nearest enterprise and I went in to get me a car. As soon as everything was complete, I was pulling out of the lot with a black Jeep cherokee with tinted windows.

When I left, I couldnt think of anywhere to go for a little while but over Greg's house.

I saw his car in the driveway parked in front of the garage, I pulled up behind it before I cut the engine off. I got out, walked up to the front door and knocked.

"Who is it?"

"Its me." I said through the closed door.

I could hear him unlocking the door before it opened.

"Paula what the hell you doing over here?"

"Can I come in?"

Greg moved aside to let me enter before he closed the door.

I went and sat down on the couch before I spoke.

"Jeana and I needed some space."

"Already? Damn I knew it was hard for a group of women to be under the same roof but it aint even been three days."

"Nah. It aint like that. We werent fighting or anything. Its just.. I should've chose my words more wisely and I take full blame for it all.."

"What was said?"

"I didnt hear Jeana knocking on the bedroom door this afternoon. I was in the shower. I did open the door when I heard her knock again though. She went on to say she thought the worst had happened. Basicly implying I was a harm to myself."

"I can understand that."

"Greg. I am not a threat to myself."

"We dont know that." He said sitting down on the arm of the sofa.

"What makes you think I'd do something to myself ?"

"Thats not the point.. but you should know."

I stared at him for awhile ignoring his comment.

"Anyway.. When she said that, I responded by saying Im not gonna take my own life, the lives that needed to be taken are already gone."

Greg dropped his head to the floor.


"I know. It was harsh."

"Well.. I wouldnt say harsh is the right word. More like heartless, selfish, rude, devilish. Even I feel hit by that comment."

"You dont have to rub it in Greg. I get it.. but I apologized to her. I told her that I shouldve thought about what I said before I said it."

"Sometimes an apology isnt enough Paula. Once it rolls off your tongue its over."

I didnt respond to Greg because I knew he was right.

"Well I'm going to chill over here for awhile if you dont mind. I just need to give her some time to talk herself out of slicing my throat."

Greg laughed at my fear of thoughts.

"Jeana's not gonna cut you."

"How would you know?"

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