Chapter Eighteen: Presents

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"Wake up, dear." Christine's voice echoed through my ear, possibly amplified by Nunarae. I felt someone grab my shoulder and shake it.

I opened my eyes with a groan, and being the nice person Christine was, she pulled me off of the couch. I yelped, and landed with a thud.

"You didn't have to take it that far.." I mumbled, standing up with a huff.

"Yes she did." Nunarae muttered.

"I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes. Your friends are currently having breakfast, so I suggest you join them." She said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Right." I said groggily. "Hey, where's Uncle Tom?"

"Helping with the city's defences." She said.

"Ah. Right." I mumbled.

"Go. There's some food and an extra seat waiting for you."

"Yeah." I nodded, and she left the room. I stretched, rolling my shoulders before I went to the dining area.

"Your hair's a mess." Pidge pointed out as I sat down. I wrinkled my nose at them.

"Thanks, Pidge."

Pidge shrugged. "What are friends for?"

There was a shared chuckle around the table. I glared at them all.

"Eat. We're leaving in a couple minutes." Shiro said, pushing a bowl of soup towards me.

You may be asking, Oh, (Y/n), who eats soup for breakfast? to which I respond, I do. I eat soup for breakfast.

I basically inhaled the soup.

Lucky I was fast, because the others were in their armour already. Hunk tossed me a bag.


"Some armour and weapons designed specifically for you. Allura and the rest of us thought about it, and decided that you should be a part of the team. For now." Shiro added, with a dorky smile on his face. I looked at the others, to see the same expressions.

"Open it! Open it!" Lance said. It wasn't a suggestion. I could tell that they all wanted to see my reaction, anyways.

I unzipped the white bag, and pulled out a black body suit, then a huge pile of armour that would most likely fit onto it. To actually protect me, y'know?

I pulled out something that looked like a bayard (Is that how you spell it?? I have no idea I'm so sorry ). When I took hold of the handle, it expanded into a large glowing sword, which was surprisingly light.

 When  I took hold of the handle, it expanded into a large glowing sword, which was surprisingly light

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(Not my art. Carry on~)

"Okay, that is cool." I said.

"Pidge managed to copy the technology from our bayards." Shiro pointed out.

"Brilliant." I turned the sword in my hands.

"I don't know if she likes it, guys..." Keith said sarcastically.

"Hmmm.... You can never tell." Shiro said.

Their sarcastic banter was put to a hold when my very sweaty uncle burst into the room. He looked right at me, panting.

"Uncle? What's up? Weren't you supposed to be–?" The sword shrunk back into a bayard.

"Your... friends." He wheezed. "Missing."

"What?" I stood up.

"Your friends. Can't find them. Houses trashed. Gone. Poof. Missing." He elaborated.

I wanted to scream. You can take me, you can take my goddess, but you cannot take my friends. That's out of the question.

"Let me help you." Nunarae hissed. She clearly hated having the people I loved disappear. She was still sour about being captured ourselves.

My clothes shimmered, and turned into the armour that had been placed on the table. I realized that it was almost exactly like the Paladins armour. My old clothes disappeared.

"What–?" Hunk began.

I didn't hear him finish, as I had just left the front door.

"HEY! (Y/n)!" I felt Shiro grab my shoulder. Leave it to space dad to delay my revenge.

"What?" I snapped, spinning around to face him.

"Have you ever actually fought Galra before?" Keith asked, running up.

I stared at him.

"They're horrible! You have to stay here." Lance said, pushing Shiro away and grabbing my shoulders.

"We'll get your friends back." Pidge promised.

Oh hell no.

"I know my friends like I know my own mind. I am not going to leave them, understand?" I growled.

"But (Y/n)–"

"Not again." I snap, cutting Hunk off. "I love them more then anything in this hell of a life I live. I will choose their happiness over mine."

"You'll get hurt." Lance cut in.

I pushed him off of me. Okay, that was mean, but they were trying to stop me.

"I don't care! Do you think that I haven't seen what the Galra can do!? I've felt it, before. I'm not going to have my friends experimented on." I exclaim, and in a huff, I whirl around, turn into a dragon, and take off, leaving the Paladins behind.

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