Chapter Twenty-Five: Too Far

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"So, what happened again?" Lance asked, still looking quite sleepy.

We were all gathered in the control room. It turned out that both Keith and Shiro were awake, so Nunarae had only been speaking to them. Apparently, they'd heard some screams I'd made, which I really didn't know that I'd made. Shiro and Keith immediately came to rescue me from my vision, which I appreciated.

I sat in the corner of the room, curled in a thick blanket and still in my sleeping clothes. Allura or someone must've bothered to change me out of my old ones. To be honest, I felt slightly violated.

Hunk, Lance, Pidge, Coran and Allura were still in sleep wear too. Pidge didn't look the slightest bit tired, probably because they were up all night on their computer. Hunk, Coran and Allura looked to be paying attention, but groggily. Lance looked like he'd stepped on a land mine, which I found a little hilarious.

"We were talking to Nunarae," Keith began explaining again. Both him and Shiro had probably explained what had happened at least six times.

"She seemed to be well. Told us that (Y/n) missed us." Shiro said, earning me several glances. I couldn't hold back a small grin.

"Then we just heard..." Keith paused. "Wailing, and screaming. As if someone was being tortured in her room..."

This time, they all stared at me head on, clearly hoping for me to add on. I sighed shakily.

"I kind of was being tortured." I mumbled, pulling the blanked up over the back of my head, like a cloak.

"That's obvious..." Lance muttered groggily.

"Lance!" Keith snapped.

I yawned, then felt Nunarae leave my ear piece for a second time, making my headache worse.

"She had a kind of vision, I could say." Nunarae's voice came from a funny box that was added on to the controls.

"What kind?" Pidge asked. Allura made her way over to me and helped me stand.

"Memory kind. It's been... awhile since she's... been back there again." Nunarae murmured. "I've been doing my best to kill the worst of the memories, but to leave enough of a bad feelings about her experiences behind for her to know she survived something big."

"W-wait-" I protested hoarsely. "You what? Did-what?" I managed through the headache.

"Anyways, she clearly isn't forgetting what I'm attempting to make her forget." Nunarae ignored me. I felt so loved at the moment.

"Why are you trying to destroy those memories in the first place? She could have important information." Lance seemed to be perking up a little.

"That is true," Nunarae said. "But I want her to be at peace in case... something goes wrong." She defended smoothly.

"Wrong?" I asked.

Of course, no one listened.

"That's why we want to keep her with us. So in case something goes south, she'll have backup." Shiro said. The others nodded.

"Okay, um-" I tried.

"It's her choice. If she doesn't want to forget, she won't." The goddess said plainly.

"Maybe we can put her in one of the memory pods." Hunk suggested. "We can watch her past play out without her feeling too uncomfortable."

"That sounds like a good plan." Nunarae said thoughtfully.

"Hey!" I yelped hoarsely.

They all looked at me.

"Hi," I began. "My name is (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you all. Can I join in with the conversation, please? I'm a little lonesome at the moment." I frowned at them all.

Shiro let out a difficult sigh. "(Y/n) we know how much pain you're in–"

"Excruciatingly lots, thanks for noticing." I muttered irritably.

"-But you need to open up to us." He finished.

"How much opening am I supposed to do?" I snapped. "I'm not a pickle jar that's to be opened and taken from."

"(Y/n), please, we just want to know–"

"What? What other things do you want to know about me?" I spat. I didn't mean to take it this far, in all honestly. But, seriously, can't a girl have some alone time to gather her thoughts?


"I'm a flipping dragon, I have a goddess hiding in my ear, I was stolen from my mother planet Echao and I've lived on the Galra's ship for who knows how long, I'm a human for crying out loud, and I can fend for myself, shockingly." I listed. "I'm most definitely not a damsel in distress. Sorry to bust your bubble."

"(Y/n), I'm sure that they understand." Nunarae tried to soothe, but it was clear in her tone that she was struggling to side with them. I did have a point, after all.

"Oh, honestly, Nunarae, you were taken too!" I reasoned. She fell silent for a long second.

"Sorry, guys." She said briskly. "I'm siding with her on this one."

"What!? No! You have to listen to our point of view." Lance insisted before anyone else could say anything.

"And you have to listen to mine." I growled. "I. Am. Not. Going. To. Tell. You." I spelled out, and whirled around, storming out of the room. I felt Nunarae bid them farewell, and whisk back to me.

I didn't mean to take it that far.

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