Chapter Twenty-Nine: Right Behind You

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"Wait, you have a brother? Why didn't you tell us!?" Keith exclaimed, walking into the hallway with the others.

"Because I didn't feel the need to." I said bluntly, and turned to the one and only bro.

He grinned at me. I frowned at him. "Look at you. You look horrible."

"Says you. Your hair is longer." He ruffled my hair for emphasis. I smacked his hand away.

"Right back at'cha." I muttered

"We have lots to catch up on." He stated.

"Oh, yeah. I was gone for how long?"

"Five years."

"Oh shit." I whispered, and stood there, stunned for a moment.

"I know. Time really flies when your on an alien ship. I've been here for a year and a half, and I started a rebellion about ten minutes ago." He put his hands on his hips, and lifted his chin proudly. "More than you ever did."

"Shut up." I snapped. "Where are the prisoners now?"

"All over the ship. I was just heading to the control room." He jabbed a thumb down the hallway behind him.


"Why else? I'm taking over!" He grinned.

"Of course you are." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, don't judge." He huffed.

"We're family. I get to judge you how ever much I want." I teased.

He huffed. "You coming or not?"

"Right behind you." I stated immediately.

"Wait, (Y/n)–"

I cut Shiro off. "I'll be fine. If I don't regroup with you guys, I've either been captured or am heading back to Echao on one of those spaceships. You guys get all the prisoners out before we blow this Popsicle stand."

"Popsicle stand?" Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Don't judge my shenanigans. Now, shoo. Have fun. Don't die." I ordered, and both (B/n) and I took off.

"So, where exactly is the main control room?" I asked him after a little bit of running.

"Top level. There's an elevator somewhere. There has to be." He said.

"If there isn't I'm going to say that the Galra are stupid." I announced.

"You go girl." I saw him roll his eyes. I cuffed his shoulder.

I realized that Nunarae had been silent for a long while. She wasn't gone, but it wasn't like she was in the moment either. Like in limbo. I couldn't fix it now. I had to get to the bottom of it later.

I could hear the other paladins talking through the comm. I also heard lots of yelling and slashing and the whining of metal on metal. But the corridors (B/n) and I ran down were strangely abandoned.

"Hey, bro." I said after awhile, catching his arm.

"I know. It's too quiet." His voice was strained. I could tell that he was debating on what to do.

I'd already made the decision. "Let's go. I don't want to risk anything."

"Right behind you." He nodded, and we took off in the direction we came.

"Hey, guys? We're heading back." I said to the paladins.

"Yeah, we need backup. We found the gladiator arena. Shiro's having a moment." Lance's voice cracked through the earpiece.

"Is he alright?" I demanded. I could my brother eyeing me strangely. Earpiece, I mouthed. He shrugged, at least stopping his staring.

"We don't know. Keith and Hunk are trying to gat through to him. Pidge is hacking into some drones. We're hiding behind some stands right now." Lance reported.

"It's all empty in there?" I asked.


"I remember the way, and (B/n) should know too. We'll be there shortly." I said.

"Good. Just watch out. Galra are searching for us."

"Got it." I sighed.

"Arena?" (B/n) guessed.

"Yep." I confirmed.

"Let's do this."

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