Chapter Thirty: I AM A QUEEN!! (Legitimately the shortest chapter ever)

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First thing to keep in mind when you're thumping around a Galra ship while there's apparently an uprising of prisoners:

There are indeed Galra.

Just so you know.

Because both me and (B/n) seemed to forget that one minor detail.

Because guess what?

We were jumped. Unprepared.

Lucky me, I was able to summon my bayard and stab some guy in the chest. I turned to see that bro had managed to knock out one of the anthropomorphic purple hyenas and had nabbed a blaster gun from him. Her. (It???)

Together, we knocked out the other two that were there, and continued to thunder down the halls like the flipping idiots we were.

"Y'know," I said, my chest heaving from all the running. "I don't think... That... The Galra like us."

Bro gave me a face like 'No shit' before he veered into a wall and tripped. And fell.

I was laughing for a solid five minutes, managing to get cramps and also managing to topple over.

Finally, I sighed, managing to regain composure. My brother was giving me a look of absolute murder.

Before he could, in fact, kill me, a funny drone buzzed over to us. It was glowing blue instead of any evil colours. Blue seemed to be the overall friendly colour, apparently.

I promptly waved at it. It let out a small buzzing sound, that almost sounded like a robotic greeting.

I stood, and hauled up (B/n) afterwards.

"Alright, let's follow this thing. I think Pidge programmed it." I said.

"But don't we already know the way..?" He asked.

"Sh." I hushed. "Let's go."

And we took off, defeating Galra basically everywhere. I earned myself a deep scratch on my cheek.

Finally, we burst into the arena, breathless and tired and cramped and ready to blow up the ship already, but I still managed to dash inside and yell, "I AM A QUEEN!"

"Thanks for telling us this, (Y/n)." I heard Pidge remark.

Greetings friends.
Sorry this was short. I have legitimately had no urge to write. Like, at all. I know, I should be trying harder. I'm so so so so so so so so so so soooorrryyy waaahhhh ;-;
I'm trying! I'm gonna try harder! Do you guys at least like the story so far?
Btw I love your feedback it makes me all happy and sunny and it feels likely chest is gonna burst with confetti because real PEOPLE are actually COMMENTING on my WORK and that concept just overall EXCITES me, y'know???
Sorry for the rant •-•;
Love you all!

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