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"Perhaps Senator Organa would like to explain why she requires all these resources at a time when we need to be concentrating funds on restoring the Government?"

A tall Neimoidian in official robes loudly addressed the room, his red eyes shining in his nose-less green face, his body language demanding an answer. He glanced around at the collection of ambassadors and senators gathered in the large room of the Chandrilian central government building as if inviting support for his question.

Leia Organa, Princess and Senator of the New Republic, experienced military leader and diplomat, was not intimidated. While younger than the other council officials present, she had been trained from a very early age for such situations and had long been the Rebel Alliance's most talented ambassador. Her face was expressionless, a mask she wore often while carrying out official duties. It gave nothing away and covered the multitude of emotions that burned below the surface that she was so good at hiding.

"As the esteemed ambassador must surely be aware, the fall of Emperor Palpatine has not signified the end of the war. We have already seen fierce fighting and sustained heavy losses in the battles on Sterdic IV and Naboo, to name just two. I am aware of the importance of maintaining government, but Ambassador San'teefa is in danger of becoming complacent. If we ignore the very real threats posed by the Empire's remaining forces, we will allow them to build strength and all our efforts will be for nothing." Leia kept her voice calm as she delivered her explanation. Without making a show of the fact she was looking, she took note of the ambassadors around the room who nodded in agreement. Some, she knew, would not support her further than the nod if pressed to do so, but that was a negotiation for another day. She was beginning to feel tired. It had been a very long day of similarly fraught meetings. Her robes were beginning to press down on her shoulders and her feet were sore from hours of standing.

San'teefa seemed annoyed that his challenge was not as successful as he had hoped.

"You have already been allowed to keep half the fleet for this purpose, your Highness. These smaller skirmishes are insignificant. The Empire has been crushed, and now it is imperative that we concentrate on government to retain order and rebuild the once lucrative trade routes." he continued.

Cato Neimoidia had once been an opulent world whose trade barons had offered hospitality rivalling the best in the galaxy during the time of the trade federations. Leia was aware that the barons had been particularly keen to assist Emperor Palpatine's rise to power, furthering their own ambitious agendas. As far as she was concerned, traders and businessmen had no place influencing the rule of government; profit and greed always swayed their judgement. People like that received one good dividend and invested it in enterprises like the development of clone armies. Look where that had got everyone. No. It should be kept completely separate. Perhaps San'teefa had such an agenda, which is why he was so aggressive towards her; but she would have to temper her disdain.

"While I understand that encouraging trade is important to the prosperity of the galaxy, the New Republic recalls more ships every day to protect member worlds, spreading my men thin. Protection must also come through actively seeking out the remnants and disbanding them before they can be of threat. I can't do that if my forces are depleted. People's lives are still at great risk, and that must surely take precedence over trade profits" she emphasised, as calmly as she could.

"Senator Organa makes a good point. If the intention of the New Republic is to eventually hand protection of member worlds back to each of us, perhaps it is not necessary to recall ships from the Alliance as quickly as we are." The Senator from the Hosnian system spoke up; a greying man with a face that had seen the strains of the long Imperial regime. He addressed his statement to an older, serene looking woman sitting at one end of the room, rather than to the Neimoidian ambassador. San'teefa took further offence at this, his voice becoming agitated.

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