Chapter 12

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Leia was obviously shocked. This wasn't what she had expected. Her hands clasped tightly in front of her, she leaned back slightly, looking at his face and searching for truth or lie in his eyes.

"How do you know it's the Star?" she interrogated.

"Indestructible ornate box with an organic coded lock," Pax raised his eyebrows slightly in emphasis. "Coded to the Organas. It's definitely the Star. I recognise it," he assured her. Mon Mothma also wore a more serious look but watched Leia now, allowing her to take control of the conversation. Han didn't think he could be the only one thinking of a question but no one spoke up.

"What's the Killian Star?" He would be the one to ask then. Leia turned to face him and Luke.

"It's a sacred orb, said to have been left by the original inhabitants of Alderaan, the Killiks. It was found and handed to the Organa family to protect generations ago and has been in the family ever since. It was used in an annual celebration of new life and to bless the newly growing crops. During the ceremony, performed by a member of the Household, it gives off light, supposedly symbolising the ushering in of the new season, hence why it is called the Star," she explained. She turned to Pax. "You've come to return this to me?"

"Yes. It's useless to me as the box can only be opened by your family and it only reacts to someone of the Household." He moved in very close to her and took both her hands in his. She wasn't keen on his proximity. I hope he doesn't expect me to kiss him in return for this present. "Leia. I wanted to ask a favour of you before I return it."

"What's that?" she asked quietly. The Duke's gaze was giving Han the creeps.

"I wondered if you would consider performing the Ceremony of Light once more for our people." Leia pulled her hands away and stepped back from him.

"Oh no!" she said emphatically, holding both hands up. "That's absolutely not going to happen." Her voice raised a little and Mon Mothma looked between the two of them.

"Please Leia," Pax entreated "It would mean a great deal to the survivors as a sort of memorial for Alderaan - so that they can move on. They would love to see you perform this one last time."

Leia was visibly very uncomfortable and Luke was beginning to look concerned. She turned away from the Duke.

"I don't want anything to do with that. I never liked it before and now, it just seems profligate and valueless."

"I understand. You never liked the ceremonial duties, and I realise that the ceremony itself contains no meaning now but, for them, it can stand for the beginning of their new lives."

Leia buried her face in her hands, facing away from the rest of the room. This was so against what she stood for. Ceremonial duties were a distraction and an extravagance that she had always felt took time away from more philanthropic pursuits, and diverted attention away from the dangers she saw in the galaxy. She had left all that behind and didn't want to hear his moral blackmail. The Duke pressed his point.

"I have a thousand Alderaanians who haven't seen their Princess since that fated day. It would fill their hearts with joy that you continue to work for them and for peace." Leia made a little pained noise into her hands. She began to feel faint and swayed a little. Han quickly moved to check on her, opening the huge doors to the balcony to give her some air. She went outside and took a deep breath.

"I can't believe this," she whispered to him, looking at the millions of stars in the evening sky. She tried to concentrate on them, noticing each one twinkling in an attempt to control her nausea.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Whatever he says," Han assured her. The Duke came to stand in the doorway and Leia, sensing his proximity, glanced over her shoulder.

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