Chapter 14

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The four strolled back along the waterfront and onto the main promenade where the bustle of colourful citizens went about their business. Shops and trade stands were doing roaring custom even at this time of the morning. Known for their cordiality, the Chandrilians certainly exuded a serene and happy atmosphere, the cordial feelings spreading between the four of them or, at least, three of them. Bel Asarra hung back from them. Her official role as royal bodyguard coming to the fore as she eyed everyone in turn with equal suspicion.

Pax and Leia talked, as they walked back towards the central government complex, reminiscing. Leia smiled and, occasionally, even laughed, and all the time remained polite and genteel, but she didn't let go of Han's arm and tried not to touch her friend. Han wondered if it had anything to do with the vision she had experienced the day before or whether she was simply making it clear to the Duke that he wasn't to make advances. Either way, Pax remained civil and proper and, if it hadn't been for Han's knowledge of Leia's intuition, he might even have liked the guy under other circumstances.

A toned down replica of the architecture of the government building was reflected in the shops on the promenade; white, bone-like arched frames supported white plaster walls, but the buildings here were smaller and more understated. It was easy to see why it had been the first choice for the beginnings of the New Republic. Its idyllic culture had remained mostly undamaged by the Empire's regime. A mono-rail carried a whisper quiet shuttle above their heads. Exciting and inviting smells permeated out into the street from food and spice traders and a variety of clothes, jewellery and other finery was on offer from others. All the stalls were clean and opulent, an indication of Chandrila's flourishing economy.

Leia paused by a stall selling flowers and exotic vegetation, some of which Han thought looked strangely animalistic. She admired a particularly bright blue flower, holding it gently and raising it to her face to breath in it's scent. Han reached into his pocket and grabbed a few credits. Giving them to the stall-holder, he took the flower out of it's watery container and handed it to her. She smiled broadly.

"Thank you," she said lovingly, her gaze lingering on him perhaps slightly longer than was proper considering they had company.

"You must tell me how you two met," Pax addressed them both, observing their brief romantic exchange and showing genuinely friendly interest.

"Han and Luke happened to be there when I was in a particularly sticky situation. They saved my life," Leia explained, leaving out the detail. Han smiled at her thinly, remembering that she was scheduled for execution when they had stumbled upon her on the Death Star.

"Those of us who survived Alderaan are grateful to you, General." The Duke looked at Han respectfully.

"I seem to recall she did most of the saving," Han countered.

"And I don't remember being particularly grateful at the time," Leia chuckled, recalling a time when she demonstrated more annoyance at Han than she did now. "We've been through a lot together since then." She smiled affectionately at him. He squeezed her hand. Looking at her now, flower in hand, sunlight glowing on the edges of her hair, he thought of her beauty, her fierceness, her kindness. He thought of the time before he had known her and the times since then that he had almost lost her. A decision began to embed itself in his head that he resolved to talk to her about.

"Isn't it time we were getting back?" he encouraged. "You need to prepare for tomorrow and I need to find Chewie and check up on the Falcon."

"Yes, of course," Leia agreed. "If you'll excuse us, Pax? We will see you at the ceremony tomorrow."

"I will look forward to it, Leia." and to Han, "General." He made a shallow, polite bow. As they walked away, Han whispered.

"No one has bowed to me before. Is this what I should expect dating a Princess?"

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