Chapter 38

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"I am very impressed with your security forces, Your Highness," Ambassador San'teefa told Leia when she joined them in the top chamber. "I have heard a lot about their prowess in the security of Alderaan but have never met any. They look very effective."

"They are, Ambassador." Leia raised her eyebrows affirmatively as she took a welcome seat on a decorative and very comfortable looking wood framed sofa.

"This is all highlighting how sadly lacking we are on Cato Neimoidia in security or policing of any sort. We are rather powerless to tackle this serious issue ourselves. Perhaps that's why we were chosen as a location. No eyes will be pointing in our direction." The Ambassador looked a little lost. "My lack of knowledge in military matters doesn't help.  I really need to appoint someone who can advise us - a liaison between government and military, perhaps, who can be oversee the setting up of something like you have formed on Alderaan." He indicated outside to the courtyard and the peacekeepers. "Perhaps you would consider advising me in the short term, Your Highness."

His dark grey, leathery skin and huge red eyes didn't give any facial clues as to his feelings and Leia found Neimoidians, in general, quite difficult to read, but his voice as he spoke betrayed his frustration, and his obvious desire to build his planet into a legitimate and reputable member of the New Republic was softening her opinion of him every moment that he spoke. Her mind had been working hard while he was talking.

"I would be happy to advise you, Ambassador. You are welcome to ask my advice whenever you need it, but I may be able to do one better than that." She glanced at Eldon Blake. "Commander Blake is in charge of the peacekeepers now and, once Takodana is clear, she can oversee operations to disband the enclave on Cato Neimoidia. I will, of course, give as much military support as is required." The Ambassador nodded gratefully. "Afterwards though, and I am springing this on you Eldon so I apologise, I think she would be a perfect choice to act as military liaison to Cato Neimoidia. She has extensive military and senatorial knowledge and, of course, she comes highly recommended." Leia smiled at Eldon who was staring open-mouthed at her. "Her position would obviously report to the New Republic; I think I can persuade them to give her her own department, attached to my offices, and, after you no longer need her support, she could advise other planets who wish to follow your lead."

"That's a good idea." Madine looked impressed. "The peacekeepers can be trusted to organise sensible, non-aggressive security measures and advise each government appropriately."

"My thinking exactly," Leia agreed. "And if her new department is attached to mine, the government will allow her to do her job relatively undisturbed, except for the regular Senate reporting that is." Leia looked sideways at Eldon and pulled a sympathetic face.

Eldon couldn't believe what Leia was suggesting. It was an incredible opportunity; her own government position; in charge of her own team to spread their peacekeeping methods to other planets. She couldn't have thought of a better idea. The only downside was that it meant no longer working for Leia.

Leia looked at her expectantly.

"What do you think, Eldon?"

Han smiled, amused as Eldon's face was a mix of elation and concern at the same time. He marvelled at how Leia could pluck these ideas off the top of her head so quickly, matching people together, forming perfect teams.

"You should do it, Eldon," he encouraged. Eldon looked round the room. Everyone seemed to be in agreement.

"Leia. I think it's a fantastic suggestion but it means I will no longer be your aide. All I ever wanted was to work for you and now I am." Leia stood up and took both her hands.

"Eldon, I have appreciated your work and will miss you, more than I can tell you, but I always knew I was a stepping stone in your career. You are too talented to be following me around carrying out my dull instructions. You deserve this. Besides, we will see each other regularly if I give you an office near mine. We are friends aren't we?" A glint appeared in Leia's eye. "Now we can alleviate boring meetings by pulling faces at grumpy senators together." Both women laughed.

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