Chapter 35

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"The princess woke up earlier this afternoon." Blake continued to fill Han in on the day's events, positioning the data pad on the table in front of her so that the holo-vid image remained stable. She had already covered the updates on the tasks Luke had assigned to her, and now addressed the matter Han was most concerned about.

On the Falcon, Luke rolled his eyes.

"I might have known she wouldn't stay asleep as long as I expected."

Han tutted.

"I was hoping to be back before she woke up. How is she?" he asked.

"She's weak but she's been walking about. She saw the children earlier, she's eaten a little and she's now working," Blake elaborated.

"Working?" Han exclaimed.

"Don't worry. She's just sitting on the bed reviewing data reports." Now Han rolled his eyes. At least it wasn't something too strenuous.

"How did your meeting go with Mon Mothma?" she enquired. Luke had told her the reason for Han's visit to Chandrila and she was eager to hear all about it. Luke's face replaced Han's on the holo-vid, an excited look on his face.

"You would have loved to have been there." He sounded like a little boy. "Han waited till the senate was in session and most of the senators were present before marching in there and giving them all a piece of his mind. I've never seen a room of politicians so speechless. Leia would have been livid if she'd known he was going to do it." Han must have shoved him out of the way because the picture broke up a bit and Han's face replaced Luke's.

"Yeah, well. Enough of that. Can I talk to Leia?" Blake smiled. She wished she'd been a fly on the wall. Han Solo was no politician. He told it like it was with no fluff, managing to make the most astute observations and voice them without any filter. Leia often covered her eyes and shook her head if he spoke up in her meetings, but Blake knew she really appreciated his plain speaking when they were alone. She'd have to hear more about it when they got back tomorrow.

She stood up and walked Han's holo-image along the corridor to Leia's room where she was sitting, cross-legged on the bed, data pad on the bedspread, her loose hair pulled round over one shoulder.

She looked up as Blake entered.

"Call for you," she said, passing her the second data pad. Leia looked pleased.

"Hey you," she said when she saw Han's face.

"Hey yourself," he replied. "What are you doing awake? You were supposed to rest for at least another day. I was hoping to be back before you woke up," Leia smiled warmly.

"I'm sorry. Where did you go?" Han waved a dismissive hand at the holo-screen and sat back in his chair.

"Had to take care of some business. I'll tell you about it when I get back." Leia knew he was avoiding the question. His cocky, offhand manner tried to cover it up but she saw the signs. He was up to something and she would have to get it out of Blake instead. She just nodded suspiciously.

"Alright then. I have a lot to take care of while I'm waiting anyway."

"Now, don't start working too hard." He leaned forward again, his face stern.

"You know me. I'll only do what I can," she reassured.

"I do know you." He raised his eyebrows. "That's why I know you will do too much." Leia looked sheepish. She suddenly really missed him.

"You better come back and distract me from it then," she said coyly.

Han's jaunty grin broadened at her suggestiveness and he leant right in close to the holo-screen. Jerking his thumb over his shoulder he said,

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