Chapter 34

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As Blake had predicted, Leia was awake by the end of the second day and 3PO fetched Blake to her bedside. She asked about Han and Luke.

"General Solo had an errand to run and Commander Skywalker accompanied him. They are expected back tomorrow," she reported. "You were supposed to sleep a little longer," Blake chastised her.

"I've been asleep long enough," Leia dismissed. "I need to get up." She had already persuaded the medical droid to remove all the wires and tubes before Blake had arrived and was now attempting, although struggling, to get out of bed.

"Just take it easy." Blake held her palm up to stop her. "You're still weak." Leia sighed with frustration. She sat on the edge of the bed, screwing the covers up into little balls under her fists. She wasn't used to being incapacitated and really didn't like the feeling. Blake understood how she must be feeling. Sitting still wasn't a natural state for Leia. She looked up at Blake.

"Please help me, Blake. I can't sit here any more. There's work to do and I need to sort myself out. I must look awful." She ran her hand over her hair which was a much messier version of the hairstyle she had put it in three days ago.

Everything started to flood back into her head. "What about the children? We have to help them." Blake looked at her a moment then passed her a robe, beckoning her with a finger and holding out a hand to assist her off the bed.

Leia was curious. Wrapping the robe tightly round herself she gripped Blake's arm and slid off the bed, feeling the weakness in her legs. They made their way down the corridor to a large room full of furniture where food had been laid out on a long table at the far end. Her face lit up. All the children were relaxing in various parts of the room, playing with toys, looking at data pads, talking to each other. They had all been provided with baths and clean clothes. Leia looked at Blake, silently asking for all the details.

"General Solo went back for them the night you arrived here," Blake explained. Leia smiled, looking back at the children, leaning her hand on the stone wall next to her for support. Of course he had. "Some of them were in quite a bad state. We have put them on a programme of re-conditioning therapy but most weren't held long enough for any lasting damage. A few will be returning to Thyfeera, where they were taken from, later tomorrow when the transport arrives," Blake continued.

"We?" Leia asked.

"Well, 3PO and I," Blake elaborated. "We've been co-ordinating with General Solo and Commander Skywalker on a number of things." Leia smirked.

"Good old 3PO."

"He's been invaluable. I think he's really enjoyed himself over the last twenty-four hours." Leia listened, happily imagining 3PO bustling about assisting Blake. She met eyes with one of the children and recognition dawned on her at the same time as it did in the little girl, who ran across the room and up the steps to greet her.

"Jak?" Leia asked, taking the little girl's face in her hands and turning it to look at her. "My goodness, you look wonderful." The little girl was extremely pretty underneath all that dirt and grime. Her blonde hair had been washed and brushed and her health looked better for a good meal.

Leia went down the steps and sat down on the floor next to a group of children. Blake watched her chatting to them, letting them show her some of the activities that had been provided to keep them occupied. She smiled to herself. It would do Leia good to see her efforts had not been totally in vain.

Leia glanced at the fresh table of food on the far side of the room. It didn't look like it had been touched, which struck her as odd as the children were so underfed. Turning to a young lad sitting next to her she enquired,

"Have you all eaten something today?" The lad nodded.

"They gave us food earlier but everyone's afraid to touch that," he looked at the table.

"Why?" Leia asked, surprised.

"One of the other lads said a princess owns this castle and she'd be angry if we took her food." Leia's eyebrows raised and her jaw dropped slightly.

"Really?" She thought of the retribution they would have got from the stall owners if they were caught stealing and imagined that the older boy had thought retribution would be worse from this apparent princess, who she could only imagine was herself. The older ones had learned the hard way and were trying to protect the younger ones as best they could. She smiled a little to herself at the imaginative minds of children. She leant forward to the little group surrounding her and whispered conspiratorially.

"Well, I know for a fact that the princess doesn't own this castle or anything in it. However, I think she would be quite happy for you to eat whatever you liked. I imagine it has been put there just for you." The group looked at each other, still unsure but more hopeful that they would be allowed to touch it. She saw they still needed encouragement.

"Jak, why don't you and I go and get some food and then perhaps the others will see that it's OK." Jak's little face grinned and she took her hand. They went to the table, Leia helping Jak fill a plate with whatever caught her eye. Others watched and then began to do the same. Glancing back at Blake, they exchanged smiles as 3PO appeared in the doorway beside her. He saw Leia.

"Princess Leia." He raised his voice delightedly and waved his golden arms enthusiastically. "How wonderful to see you up and about." Leia winced. Cover blown, she thought. Jak's jaw dropped as did the lad who had told her the story. Leia put her finger to her lips and smiled at them, ruffling Jak's hair.

"Help yourself to whatever you like," she reassured them and made her way back up the steps.

"Hello 3PO. I understand you've been working very hard."

"Oh yes, Your Highness. Commander Blake has given me some very important tasks to perform. I am, of course, highly versed in senatorial business and also military protocol so am the perfect choice to assist in such tasks." Leia rolled her eyes.

"Of course you are 3PO. You can tell me all about it later." She held on to Blake's forearm, feeling suddenly dizzy. Perhaps the short walk along the corridor was enough for the moment.

"There's lots to tell you. Let's get you comfortable and then I'll fill you in on what we've been doing." Blake escorted her back to her bedroom. At the door, Leia looked wearily at the chamber.

"Do me another favour, would you, Blake?"

"Certainly ma'am."

"Get this medical equipment out of here can you? The sight of it is enough to make anyone feel worse. I will manage with a medkit and some spice tea from now on."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And Eldon?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Stop calling me ma'am. I feel like a dowager queen. I have a name and I'd really like it if you'd use it." Eldon smiled.

"Yes Leia." Leia smiled to herself.

"Much better," she said over her shoulder as she went into the refresher for a long awaited hot shower.

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