Chapter 18

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Han crossed the landing platform where the Falcon was docked. Chewbacca, examining the underside, growled at his approach.

"Did they all get away safely?" he asked sarcastically. Chewbacca vocally expressed his wish to have performed some dismembering moves on the Duke.

"I know, pal. Normally I would agree with you but we don't want to start an incident." Chewbacca grumbled that the Duke had started it, and turned back to his examination.

"I'm going to make our pre-flight plans and program our route so we can get away early tomorrow," Han informed him. "I'll contact Maz and tell her to expect us." Chewbacca nodded.

Han looked out over the scenery of the city, with it's lush state park embedded in the centre. The top of the landing platform offered an excellent view of it all and, this late in the evening, the calm began to seep into his mind. He wondered whether he would ever consider setting up home here, with Leia, if she agreed. It wasn't a bad place, and if he found a characterful cantina down town he could visit occasionally, he could be happy here. But then, he had visited a great many beautiful planets in his time. It would be a hard decision. He took a deep breath of the night air as he walked up the Falcon's ramp.

He checked the supply containers to make sure they were adequately stocked for the trip, ran over the basic fuel and power cell checks, hyper-drive etc, then sat in the cockpit and plotted their course into the nav-computer. He requested take off clearance for the morning. One more call and he would make his way back to the government building and park himself on the sofa in Leia's suite. He was uneasy about leaving her with just 3PO, even though the Duke had left. Her strange turns had got under his skin and he wanted to be nearby.


The female figure in the Alderaanian Security Force uniform stood shrouded in shadow in a secluded alleyway across from the government main complex. As was Bel Asarra's intention, her vantage point kept her out of sight of any late evening passers by. A place she had selected where she could stay undisturbed for some time, if necessary.

She hit the button on the personal communicator on her collar and placed a finger on the discreet ear-piece above it, pressing it further into her ear for better sound.

"Sir, do you read me?" she spoke quietly. A voice replied in her ear, confirming her connection. "The Princess has returned to her suite with the Killian Star." She listened as the person on the other end spoke briefly.

"No, the Jedi has left, but she has General Solo with her. I will have to wait." Another brief response. "Yes, sir. I will let you know when I have it. Asarra out." She tapped the communicator again and hunkered down in the alley to wait.

While her position was in darkness, the atrium and buildings around were subtly lit, allowing a good view of the interior. Her eyes focused on one point as someone came across the atrium and out of the front of the building, making towards the shuttle depot. Han Solo. Good, she thought. A little longer to allow things to go quiet and she would make her move.


Leia peered through the thick fog, waving her hand in front of her face in an attempt to clear her view. Her nose stung with an acrid smell and she tried to identify it; burning cloth, vegetation... flesh. She stifled the urge to vomit and covered her nose and mouth with her hand. A red glow tinged the fog and, as gaps began to appear, she could make out several fires burning.

She took a few tentative steps, stumbling over something, and caught her balance again. She didn't know where she was. She felt the sharp pang of fear as she turned to look about her, trying to get a fix on the landscape. As if helping her, the fog, or smoke as she was now, more accurately, identifying it, cleared enough to expose a sight more horrific than many she'd encountered on the battlefield.

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