Chapter 19

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Leia noticed them first - four Alderaanian security officers coming up behind them.

"Han! We've got trouble."

"No kidding," he agreed as three more appeared in front of them.

"They're Security Forces."

"Yeah. I thought they'd all gone with your friend," he said dryly.

"They'll be well armed and well trained." Leia was pessimistic.

"You're well trained too aren't you?" He was hoping she'd say yes. They could do with a little luck.

"Sure, but there are seven of them," she pointed out warily.

"OK, I'm going to try something. 3PO, when I say 'run' I want you to run, OK? Or we'll leave you behind." Leia looked at him sceptically.

"You can't talk your way out of this one." Han looked mock surprised at her comment.

"Just get ready, OK?"

"For what?" she exclaimed, drawing her vibro-blade as the officers moved closer.

"An opening," he elaborated.

"General Solo, I'm afraid my metal frame wasn't made for running. It's simply impossible," 3PO fretted.

"Well, you'll have to do your best." He glared at the droid. Turning to the officers in front of him, he put on a broad smile.

"We're glad you guys showed up. We were just coming to find you." The officers drew their weapons. Han was actually quite pleased that they drew close quarter weapons and not their blasters. They must be worried about drawing attention. The vibro-blades looked nasty, but the three with staffs looked like an easier bet. Leia put her back to him as they were surrounded and raised her blade.

Han took a few seconds to scan their faces, trying to pinpoint the one who had a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. Card playing had taught him there was always one. There he was; a slightly smaller man to his left who was blinking just a little too often.

"Hey, Pal," he said as if he recognised an old friend. "I'm really pleased to see you." He made to slap him happily on the back but, at the last minute, grabbed the end of the man's staff and pulled the officer into the circle and on into a woman opposite, knocking them both off balance. He drew his blaster and fired at a third.

Leia took the immediate cue and ducked, sweeping her leg out and knocking the closest officer onto his back. As she did, she twisted and swung her arm up, stabbing another in the abdomen with an upward thrust.

Han was struggling with a female assailant. She leapt on his back and wrestled with him, trying to ram her blade into his neck. He twisted his shoulder and dropped her to the ground, firing his blaster and killing her instantly.

A tall man came at Leia, staff raised, spinning it and managing to catch her in the side, knocking her over and  sending her blade careering across the concourse. The staff loomed above her as he brought it down towards her head and she rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding a nasty blow. The staff connected with the floor and the attacker brought it back up to swing it round for another strike. She pushed quickly to her feet and stuck out her hands, grabbing hold of the staff and giving it a violent twist away from him as she brought her leg up and kicked him in the stomach. He flew backwards and she was left holding the new weapon.

Han threw a punch squarely on the jaw of the original cowardly victim, who had recovered himself enough to come in for an attack, but another ran to stab him in the back with a blade. Leia spotted the move, swung the staff round and caught the attacker in the face, knocking him out.

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