Chapter 16

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The concourse outside the ceremonial halls was thronging with people as Han, Luke and Chewbacca approached, pushing their way through the crowd and being allowed past the Alderaanian security guards to mount the steps up to the venue. The ceremonial building itself was an imposing structure of white stone, arranged in layers of arching pillars and curved lines. The carving still reminded Han of gigantic bones and the inside of the hall, more so.

The main hall was the largest room Han had ever seen, with an enormous curved marble staircase descending to the main floor area. At the far end rose another smaller staircase rising to a dais on which had been arranged a pedestal, and on the pedestal, a metal box with heavy hinges and reinforced corners. Han assumed it contained Leia's orb. The vast space between the two staircases was framed by a row of the gigantic bone-like arches that broke up the floor area, forming an aisle down the centre, and around which gathered several hundred people. Mon Mothma and various other dignitaries stood nearby, some of whom Han recognised from his few previous visits.

He exchanged a look with Luke and Chewbacca gurgled quietly. The hall hummed with the sound of a hundred  conversations.

"No, pal. This place makes the Yavin Throne room look like a refresher unit."

"Are these people all Alderaanian?" Luke asked, trying to take in the crowd.

"I think so," Han confirmed. He guessed that their smart attire of various styles, all in the blue and white colours of Alderaan, was a confirmation of that.

Luke looked around the hall at the huge banners that were hanging down from the ceiling, supported by curved metal frames that complemented the line of the arches. All were alike; blue with a cream-coloured horned animal symbol.

"Is that Leia's symbol?" he asked Han.

"Yeah, I've seen it on her uniform. I think that's the Organa household crest." Chewbacca growled nervously. He didn't like crowds and, although this one seemed peaceful enough, he was expressing his wish to be somewhere else. "It'll be alright, pal," he reassured his friend. "Leia asked us to be here so try to put a brave face on it." The Wookie nodded.

As they stood taking in the spectacle, an official in shining gold ceremonial dress approached them.

"General Solo.  Commander Skywalker.  Chewbacca." He greeted them formally. "The Princess asks if you could please wait over here." He indicated a wider level area about half way down the first staircase and began to descend. They followed him and gathered off to one side. They were now uncomfortably in full view of the crowd but also had a good view of their own back up the staircase to the gigantic, ornate double doors through which they had just walked.

Until Han looked back, he had no idea the doorway was so spectacular. At nearly three times the height of the Falcon, it was hard to imagine how the doors could be moved let alone opened manually and yet, there were no mechanisms attached. Each was decorated with intricate carvings accented with gold leaf.

He adjusted his jacket awkwardly, feeling self-conscious in front of the crowd.

"You're looking very, uh... ceremonial, by the way," Luke teased him. Han glanced at him ironically, looking in turn at Luke's Jedi robes.

"Yeah, I was told to smarten up. I notice she didn't ask you to wear anything fancy."

"This is what Jedi wear," Luke laughed, holding his hands out to display his usual attire. "Clothing for all occasions." Chewbacca gurgled.

"Yeah." Han looked at him, not amused. "We know you dress for all occasions too."

"How is Leia coping with all this?" Luke enquired. He had had a lot of time to consider her abhorrence at the request that she take part, and was concerned at the pressure the anticipation of the event may have had on her.

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